Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barry Soetoro to be Crowned Tonight in Denver

Who would have thunk it? Barack Obama(real name Barry Soetoro) will be put on the pedestal tonight, with the theme of Greek Idolatry in the background. The likes of idiots Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, and other so called journalists will be cheering from the seats. This guy is as phony as a $3 bill, and 10 times more dangerous than a Rattlesnake, as are his slave-like followers.

Meanwhile Juan McCain will be at the college campus where much of this families' money has gone over the past 35 years. Wright State University in Dayton(Fairborn), Ohio, tomorrow at 11AM, to name his VP wannabee. Not sure if youngest son, Hal, now in Grad School at WSU, is all worked up, that McCain will be in the house, The Nutter Center(where he received his sheepskin earlier this year)....I know Hal supports McCain at this point, but I will withhold my support until I see a VP pick....McCain must pick someone younger, and more Conservative...(Mitt Romney?), or I will do some long hard thinking before I pull the lever(of course the Marxist Obama has no chance of getting my vote).

Either way, I believe this country is in for a long rough road over the next decade or so....If Obama is elected in November, look for Israel to bomb the crap out of Iran before "The Messiah" takes office. If McCain wins, they may hold off.....regardless of who gets the nod, the borders will stay open, taxes for the imaginary crisis Global Warming will sky rocket, and we will make no effort to make this country energy independent from Middle Eastern oil.

I hate politics....nothing good comes from arguing about it, but it must be done at times...just to get it off your chest. The best news is, I have managed to avoid, having to watch the collection of trash gathering in Denver this week....and won't be tuning in for the GOP bash in the Twin Cities next week either.
back later.....with something other than politics.


Cookie..... said...

It's a good thing I didn't spend any time writing a post about what you talked about...cause you just said mostly everything I woulda said and felt. Also, if you'll notice on my blog...I'll post mostly a whole blogpost devoted to humor and funnies...and then... I VENT LIKE HELLwith a rant or two about what I'm feelin regardin this political farce (translation...OBAMA). BTW...I'm also, like so many other hundreds of thousands, waiting to see who McCain picks as his VP. If he picks some limp wristed, pro-choice nobody that's hardly ever been heard of....I'll be staying home election night and probably saying a prayer or two regardin the future of our country.

And...for those who don't think this man is grandiose and arrogant, just look at how he's going to be displayed this evening... like a Greek God arriving on Earth. WHAT ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!!!

There...I feel a little better....

PRH said...

You got it Cookie, Obama and his "posse" act like he's either the 2nd Coming or at least like Carpathia from the "Left Behind" books...amazing what dupes Americans have least many of us.

GUYK said...

I did my best to avoid the goat rope in Denver..but every time I tried to get some news there it was..but I have my doubts that the GOP convention will get the fanfare that the media gave the Obama kool aid drinkers

GUYK said...

I did my best to avoid the goat rope in Denver..but every time I tried to get some news there it was..but I have my doubts that the GOP convention will get the fanfare that the media gave the Obama kool aid drinkers

The Lonely Conservative said...

The MSM is praying the hurrican will hit New Orleans during the Republican convention so they have an excuse not to cover it.

I'm also waiting for McCain's VP pick. I try not to pick on him anymore on my blog. One worry is that no matter who wins things will get worse. If McCain's president, it will be blamed on Republicans. If it's Obama, maybe some conservatives can take back the Congress in 2 years and then we can get a true conservative in the White House 2 years later. But it's very likely a Supreme Court Justice or two will be appointed in the next term.

It's enough to make your head spin.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...