Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hitting the Gridiron


Hard to believe that summer time is winding down. Here we are mid-August, and if you live in the heartland north, like me, summer is just about done. Patricia heads back to school next week, she has actually already taken in-service classes, and is in Wapakoneta today doing the same. Hal is done driving for Celina Moving(Atlas), and begins his Graduated studies by student teaching at Fairborn High School next week...classes begin early next month. Sam has his classes down for Ohio State-Lima, and begins his math major studies late in September.

As for me....Football, scrimmages began last week, begins for me tomorrow with a double scrimmage here in Celina....7th and 8th grade, middle school or junior high, take your pick what to call it, is first on the docket. A Freshman scrimmage is on for Friday. Next Friday the regular season gets far the weather has been cool for August, which I'm sure the coaches and players are happy about, given they are now in full gear, and doing 2 a days. I don't envy those kids, even at 16 or 17, that is not fun, especially in 90 degree heat and humidity.

Tomorrow Patricia and I will head for the Dayton area, and visit Hal's new apartment...he only has one roommate this year, a kid I used to coach in baseball, they have been friends for years, his grad school only lasts 9 months, then it's off to look for a full time teaching position....The reason we are going, is to get a look at his new digs, i.e. the "tip" from the Dallas Star's hockey player....will try to get some photos of what he has moved to his place. Then we will head back after lunch, so I can make my scrimmage.

I also hope to get the photos back from last weekend's Bar Stool Open...hopefully enough came out to post the best with the story....otherwise, summer slips away, I love fall, but not what follows...I found out years ago, the older you get, the more you hate Winter!

back later>>>>>>>>>>>


Anonymous said...

Good luck . Teaching is a tough profession. I hope it works out well for him.

PRH said...

Well heck Hermit, his mom, her mom, and grandmother are/were teachers, so it's probably in the blood. If he gets a chance to coach baseball along with it, I'm sure he'll do OK.


Grandpa-Old Soldier said...

You don't get much time for R&R it looks like. Watched the Texas first preseason game last week. Glad to see football season back.

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