Friday, September 12, 2008

Charlie Gibson American Assclown/Hurricane Ike

As we head into the weekend, I would venture to say the most talked about stories on TV/Radio and the Internet are Hurricane Ike and the Charlie Gibson/ABC interview with GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

First on to the Palin have to ask yourself why "Team McCain" would allow their ticket star to be interviewed by this left wing ass named Charlie Gibson? You knew it would be a hit piece...Hell they might as well put her up against Keith Olberman, at least everybody knows that low talent dirtball is a tool of the DNC. Gibson is a lightweight when it comes to TV Anchors...but from what I've seen he did his best to discredit Palin, by asking questions none of the candidates including Half Breed Barry could answer.....Palin did pretty good in deflecting the continued hate from the Main Stream Press and the Washington elite. No bombshells here, the press is left grasping at straws.

53 days till election day, and the Dems are running scared, scared of a 44 year old self described Hockey Mom wearing lipstick. It's fun to see these jackasses squirm...I don't know who is going to win the upcoming Presidential guess is, it's 50-50 at this point...the one thing I am sure of, if Obama gets elected, Israel will attack Iran before this half assed "Community Organizer" steps foot in the White House.

Ike on the loose

On a much more serious note Ike has taken aim at the Texas coast...5.5 million folks live in the Houston area alone, including my old Air Force Sky Cop buddy:

The way thing look{if they don't change in the next 15 hours} a wall of wind, surge, and destruction, like something we have not seen in decades is gonna strike the Gulf Coast of Texas...pray for those folks in harm's way. Do that while you are filling your tank, upwards of 20% of our refinery production could be damaged or destroyed....

Stay Tuned!


On the home front, we finally got some much needed rain overnight, this coming after I mowed down some weeds in the front and back yard....our wet spring and early summer has turned into a full mini drought, which looks like we will end over the next few days....even predicted to get the remains of "Ike" by early or middle of next week.After a rare off day{that's not a Wednesday or Friday}, I will be back at Football tomorrow in Spencerville, working a JV game, and working for the first time with Sam...we have done hundreds of Varsity baseball games together, but his is the first football contest where we will both be on the same field. We repeat that Sunday at a Rec game in week looks pretty full as well.

Have a great weekend, and once again, pray for those folks in Ike's way.

back later>>>>>>>>>>

photo-Hitman Charlie Gibson interviews Sarah Palin/Hurricane Ike heads towards Houston/and the welcome rain finally comes to Celina.


Sarge Charlie said...

Charlie tried to trip her up but all reports I have seen this morning indicate he held her on. She is still my rock star, I think we will win.

Shrinky said...

OMG, this Ike is bad business.. and just when we were hoping petrol was set to go down again too .. I sure hope it goes by without too much devastaion to Texas.

Buck said...

We got a lot of rain yesterday, too, like over an inch in 24 hours. Quite unusual for The High Plains of New Mexico... which is just a euphemism for "desert." ;-)

Yeah... I feel for the folks in Galveston... Houston, too. Ike looks like it's gonna be a BIG one.

Martyn said...

fuck you palin and mccain. Obama and Biden are going to win. The best part is that they are going to kick your boys ass in court to finalize the victory. Palin is an idiot and a hypocritical bitch. McCain is just old and without any balls. All he did was crash expensive jets.

PRH said...

Martyn...think I'll leave your intelligent post/comment up. You still wearing those Monica Knee Pads for Half Breed Barry?

Anonymous said...

I watched that interview, and I told my son, who was watching with me, that pompous ass Charlie Gibson needed a severe ass whipping to induce some respect in his demeanor. He acted like a judge, and his questions were all posed to make her look bad. But she answered them with style. When she gave her answer about guns (70 percent favor a ban on semi-automatic "assault rifles" my ass!) I was really impressed. She didn't fence with him, just said this is how I am and that's that. I sure hope McCain wins so that Palin can have a shot at the presidency, either because the obnoxious old bastard croaks or she's the obvious choice after his presidency.

Buck said...

LOL! You've hit The Big Time, Pat... TROLLS!

Wonder if he'll come back after the Dims snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, yet AGAIN. Bwaa-aaa-ha-ha!

PRH said...

I have always let these clowns have their day in the rat's however, left wing trolls(this one is a lawyer, go figure), can't stand the light of day...and they flee.

How sweet it is lol!....Have a good weekend all.

Ron Simpson said...

Now gas is skyrocketing again. When can we build more refinery capacity? Vote McCain-Palin for energy security.

Mr. Grey Ghost said...

I've never seen Charlie Gibson get tough with anyone till he interviewed Palin. I'm guessing that he wanted to stand up to the GOP's legitimate cries of liberal bias esp. in light of what NBC pulling Olbammann/Matthews recently.

TexasFred said...

Once upon a time Gibson had some decency, he tried to be a good reporter, no more apparently...

He's nothing more than a left wing asshat, a tool they use, and further proof that the American MSM is in the tank!

And Martyn?? Did you miss a dose of medication??

PRH said...

The left is going nuts...even Sarge Charlie got a foul mouthed hate filled lefty commenting on his blog.

It's pretty funny watching them implode....if The Ebony Messiah gets beat the screams from the left will be music to my ears.

BRUNO said...

And you thought it was ME who "went off on a tangent"....?!!! LOL!!!

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  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...