Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Morning

After finishing my JV game as Waynesfield yesterday I spent the rest of the day out back...we(Patricia) de-flea ed the dog and cat...and I drank too much been while listening to the Buckeyes barley defeat Ohio University was on TV, but way too nice to sit inside and watch the tube, so it was outside with beer and cigars in hand.

While we were outside, Sam told me a small squirrel had walked down the fence into the yard....not too smart with Reagan the Airedale outside. A short time later he, the squirrel, decided to make another appearance. It was indeed a baby(and yes a male)...he got close, but eventually headed back into the garden area.

Then this morning I looked out and see him hanging onto the with the area hawk still lurking around, this guy won't be long for the world if he stays this open. Anyway took out some ginger bread and small bits of bird feed, put my jersey gloves on and the little bugger actually let me hold him....before crawling up my arm and then in a panic, jumping into the bird bath...back up the fence into the tree.

I got the photos before feeding and handling him.

Off to officate Recreation Football......back later>>>>>>>>>>

1 comment:

Larry said...

Cute little buggers, eh, Pat? At our previous house there was one who followed my wife around the fenced-in patio area and even once climbed up on the A/C unit, hung onto the K-window sill [wasn't stretching from unit, it was hanging!]while peering in as if to ask, "Hey! Where ARE those peanuts, people?"

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