Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Hawk Returns

Was just looking out my kitchen window and noticed our resident Marsh Hawk had returned again this morning. He has been back for a week or so now, and seems intent to visit the back yard feeder, and feed on the sparrows that frequent there. Sam noticed the smaller birds making a noise on Monday....I looked out the window and there it was, looking down at the smaller birds as they were hiding out between the raspberry bushes....on occasion he grabs one, or a pigeon(although they don't frequent the roof area as much when he is around).

I am assuming he is the same one as last year...but of course, who knows? He has the same habits for in-grab at a sparrow, and take off...especially if I let Reagan out to guard the back yard...the Airedale and the bird have had stare offs before, the Hawk blinks and takes off.

Last basketball scrimmage was last night at Spencerville last night....Sam begins his regular season tonight at Lima Central Catholic with a girls Freshman game vs. Lima Senior....I being my regular games at St. Henry with a high school JV game before the regular season Varsity time is Noon this coming Saturday.

I had spent over an hour typing a second post about "Out of the Past" this morning....Blogger, or the computer, took a puke, and saved nothing into auto save....that pissed me off, and I don't have the time or patience to redo that post at this time. So that's is it for today....I'll give it a shot tomorrow....such is life in the blog world.

back later>>>>>>>>>

photo-the backyard Hawk checking out the sparrows on Monday.


Buck said...

I feel for ya with the all-too-common "Blogger ate it" complaint, Pat. I've learned to "save early and often," no matter which app I'm using. I've also found it helps to write in Word (or whichever word processor you use) and then cut 'n' paste into Blogger. But lately Blogger doesn't like Word's formatting and pukes all over everything. Fortunately there's a check-box for "ignore HTML errors" one can use and still post.

Computers are way more difficult than they need be, or should be.

AmPowerBlog said...

I love hawks, Pat. That is so cool.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty interesting, having your own hawk in your backyard. I have owls.

PRH said...

Hermit...your "back yard" is just a might bigger than mine.


Larry said...

Yep, I often use Buck's approach to writing posts. As to those beautiful birds, we frequently see one or two high in the trees about 200 ft behind the house. I swear there was one the size of a chicken a few months ago. Even had one land on the deck rail only 7ft from our breakfast window around that time. What a treat.

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