Sunday, December 7, 2008

Photos from Nha Trang 1969

The cold, wind, and snow, continued through the night.....Hal was home from Dayton for a company(the moving company he works for when not in school) Christmas and him and his buddy left for Fairborn early this morning....and I have pretty much stuck around the house...I did take some "night snow photos" last night, the one at the top featuring the back yard, came out all right, IMO.

Not much else going on this Sunday...came down with a slight cold(I seldom get them) so taking it easy with games coming up the next two nights.....received some photos in an e-mail from an old Nha Trang Sky Cop and buddy of mine, Tony Niemotka. Tony was stationed at Nha Trang in 1969 and had arrived before I got there...he is one of about a half dozen Air Force Security Police that were with me at Nha Trang that I have contact with today....Bruce Thompson, Phil Lange(Our NCOIC), Harry Bevan, and Marcus Payen, are others.

Tony sent me more than a half dozen photos and this being a quite Sunday I thought I'd share a few and give details. Left to Right- Base Police, this housed our dispatchers and Small processing port for the folks we arrested and held for processing.....then our living quarters the Security Police Barracks....we actually had pretty sweet sleeping digs for being in a war zone. Below left is the Open Air Base Theater, movies were shown nightly here, and most of them new, as they were being shown stateside at the same attack sent a rocket through the roof on October 12, 1969. And finally our barracks looking across the street towards our "fighting equipment" and base police.
Hard to believe it's coming up on 40 years this was a part of my life...actually was my life in the Summer of 69.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend....back later >>>>>>>>>>


Deborah Wilson said...


Good pics. When my uncle, Gary, was in Nam, he took lots of pics. Some he developed into prints, others are on slides. We need to have the slides made over into prints as no one uses a projector anymore.

Also, to let you know I linked you.

PRH said...

Deb: Lots of guys used slides...I think Tony's are. I was never that into it, and just used a Kodak camera...those ones with the automatic flash and the size of a billfold...I think 110 film.

If I had known then....I have about 50 photos(from Vietnam) left is all...many gone with the wind.

Thanks for the link up!

Buck said...

...we actually had pretty sweet sleeping digs for being in a war zone.

I think the guys serving today have it a LOT better than we did, back in the day, Pat. There ARE certain exceptions, of course, like the guys on the very front lines in Afghanistan. But as far as the guys on the main operating bases, especially USAF? No comparison, based on the pics I've been getting from SN1 at Balad...

Great shots, and thanks for posting 'em!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

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