Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Photos/Venice,Florida, Montezuma and Celina, Ohio{1954-1968}

Still fall-like this morning, no rain in the forecast for a few more days. It was 47 this morning, temps will slowly rise to near 80 for highs by the end of the week.
Tomorrow I make my trek to the Joint Township Hospital, across the Lake, to visit a Dietitian. She will go over my diabetes 2 diet plan for the next 6 weeks. I already started on that path this past weekend, with the help of Patricia...already dropped about 5 pounds, without giving up a nightly beer or two, and without feeling hungry. Tomorrow we will fine turn the plan, and go with it to see how it all works out, before calling the Doc for another blood drawing around mid October.
Marxist Alert___

Glenn Beck has been going after the Obummer Administration great guns on both his radio show and his 5PM EST Fox News TV show....the Marxist-in-Chief and his minions are in a panic as Barry's poll numbers are dropping faster than a turd in a 2 story high outhouse. The Kenyan has surrounded himself with a surly crew of Black Racists/Marxists and White Liberal Socialists...and Beck is exposing Obama for what he is...A Chicago Street Radical with a hard core Marxist group surrounding him. Many he has placed in "Czar" positions, just Google up "Van Jones Communist". This son of a bitch is pushing hard for a Socialist/Marxist Utopia, and we better be ready to revolt against his plans. Beck wants everybody to be peaceful in their protests, I'm not so sure that that will work....keep your powder dry, and your basement/storeroom stocked with essentials.

-----Photos of places I have lived{part 2}


On to more pleasant subjects....

The Houseworth Family of Stan and Margaret lived in Venice, Florida, for about a decade from the early 1950s through late 1962. We started out in South Venice at Alston's Cottages{see yesterday's photos}...Alston's was something akin to the old Travel Court's you can see in old movies from the 30s and 40s. We lived there from 1954 through mid 1957...then on to the Venice By-Way, before finally buying a house in the Edgewood Section of Venice City in the fall of 1958.

Dad and his brother, John, purchase a gas station in South Venice during those years...he finally sold his share to Uncle John in late 1962, and in October of that year we headed to Celina, Ohio...where I have lived off and on for the past 47 years.

In 1963 we moved just outside the small town of Montezuma, Ohio, on the south side of Grand Lake, and just 3 miles from Celina....the folks purchased a house in the fall of 63 that put us within walking distance of Whiskey Run at the edge of the small Lake Front Airport. Whiskey Run is where I would learn to Ice Skate...spent many a winter weekend day there during my early high school days.

Living on the outskirts of Montezuma, going to school in Celina from 1963 until my Air Force days began in June 1968...I learned to drive, drink, and on occasion, open my big mouth at the wrong time...looking back, it was a growing experience, if not an always fun one.

Photos-Alston's Cottages in 1954, mom marked our humble abode with the "X" on this post card she sent to Grandma Houseworth{double click to see large version}. John and Stan's Phillips 66 Gas was located in South Venice, near Alston's. Me{left}, Mike, and sister Marty in 1956..sister Kelly, born in Venice, didn't come along until the summer of 1962. Whiskey Run near Montezuma, where I learned to Ice Skate and freeze my toes. 1967 the year I graduated, sitting on Dad's Dodge Charger, not half as bad ass as I thought I would like to have been. And finally Dad's Marathon Station on Main Street in Celina, as it looks today...he purchased it in the fall of 1962.


Moe said...

Just borrowed your South Venice 66 pix for use in an upcoming issue of the South Venice News. Although, today, since you left, we have begun to be known as South Venice Beach.

So thanks!

PRH said...

You are Welcome Moe....I remember when we moved to South Venice in 1954...the selling point was "97 Miles of Beautiful Paved Roads"....times keep on a changing!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...