Sunday, September 6, 2009

Glenn Beck & Real America 1 Van Jones & Barack Obama 0

Although you won't see or hear much about it in the mainstream media, one of Barack Obama's Communist Czars has been sent packing...Seems the Kenyan Messiah couldn't provide enough cover for Van Jones, the Green Jobs Czar and avowed Marxist, Racist, and all around Anti American Black Radical.

Radio and Fox News Commenter Glenn Beck outed Jones several weeks ago, and has been putting the full court press on Jones Communist Activities throughout the past years, right up until the time that Barry appointed him to his "Green Jobs" position. While the lap dogs in the MSM, including other Fox Conservative Commentators ignored this hack for what he was, instead commenting about him calling Republicans "Assholes"{which frankly, look no farther than John McCain, Olympia Snow, and Susan Collins, and many are}. Well Old Along Came Jones made apologies for that remark, but never disavowed his Marxist and Racist Comments he was making, right up until Obama named him to his short lived job in the Administration.
Beck has kept it up on Radio and TV, and finally several outlets, including Fox, picked up the story...Mike Pence(R-Indiana) called for a house cleaning...all-the-while, Barry Soetoro stayed out of the fray in his Ivory Tower of the West Wing. One thing about this clown, Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama, whatever his real name or nationality is{we may never know in our lifetimes}, he is a lying sack of fungus that enjoys his protection from the dutiful lap dogs at NBC and most other so called "news" outlets. The American people, at least those that listen, read, or watch, are starting to get the facts through their heads...this guy is pure evil and totally corrupt.

One Marxist Czar Down, can we force out a few dozen more?

Let's hope watchdogs like Glenn Beck keep the pressure on our Marxist-in-Chief. Tuesday the battle for Government controlled Health Care begins anew... Far Left Financier George Soros and his sock puppet named Barack Obama{or Barry Soetoro} will be trying to shove it down our throats/stay alert and remain prepared to do battle.

Football Saturday___
College Football got started on Saturday{actually Thursday, but in full force yesterday}
Ohio State squeaked out a close victory over Navy, not looking good for The Weasel, Jim Tressel, or his Messiah like QB, Terrell Pryor. Bad play calling by OSU late, and the usual boneheaded moves of Pryor reared their ugly heads and the #6 ranked Buckeyes "escaped" with a 31-27 win over the Midshipmen. Meanwhile USC, after a slow start smashed San Jose State 56-3. Next Saturday night at Columbus, before another nationwide audience, the Bucks better play an improved game to avoid last year's smash job in Southern California.
Meanwhile Oklahoma and the Heisman returning Quarterback Sam Bradford, both went down to #20 BYU in Dallas. Bradford hurt his throwing shoulder with 7 seconds left in the first half, never to return, and the Sooners were held to just a field goal in the second half, and lost 14-13....meanwhile Michigan, Notre Dame, and Florida, all won with ease...ND and UM take on each other next week.
back later>>>
Photos-Van Jones "color" this Racist Green Czar Gone! And Barack Obama, our phoney President> Is the man behind the curtin being shown for what he is? Red as Mao and Stalin?

1 comment:

lucydrake said...

Glenn will not fall: Glenn has a lot to say and it's for the good of Freedom. We are a free nation and anyone who is trying to turn us into a communist country...I do not stand for-Sorry.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...