Friday, November 2, 2007

Grand Lake in the Fall

Well I didn't make it out for a sunrise photo session on the Lake this morning...(see previous post), between the backache and the frost, it just wasn't in the cards.....but it had gotten to 55 by noon so I crawled into the Jeep and headed towards the West Bank Park, Coldwater Creek, and then Windy Point near Montezuma.....

Montezuma is where I spent my High School years from late 1963 until I entered the Air Force in the summer of 68....a small German Catholic town on the south side of Grand Lake at that time...Montezuma has become home to expensive lake property and hordes of interlopers from Dayton and Cincinnati...the result being higher taxes and more pains in the ass...but that's the way it is these days...where there is a square foot of water, people have to build next to it, so they can stare at it.....

Grand Lake has changed from a decent fishing lake to a body of water with too many boats and not enough fish...such is life.

{Here are the photo captions(clockwise from the top left, I think?)
The Jeep sitting in an empty Windy Point State Park parking lot.....looking north to Celina about 3 miles away, looking east to St. Marys, 10 miles across the lake, mouth of Coldwater Creek one of the feeders to Grand Lake, many small islands dot the southwest part of the lake, more dead trees at the Coldwater Creek mouth....our old farm house at 5595 Coldwater Creek Rd....we move here in the fall of 1980, when it was just Patricia, Anissa, Me, and the Airedales...the boys were born while we lived here, we moved into town in 1990...this was the first house the kids can remember, I see it is now up for sale, and they are removing the last of the Old Timber Barns from the property....a view of Coldwater Creek across from the house, many cars ended up in the creek here, several people never made it's now protected by a guard rail. Duck and Goose Blinds....many Canadian Geese meet their end from these blinds....a few Mallards also become dinner from these....another look from Coldwater Creek towards St Marys a long boat trip across the pond....a couple of shots from Windy Point....stumps(always a boating hazard in this shallow man made lake(averages about 7 feet deep, and finally looking north from Windy Point to Celina...the large elevators on the left are a two blocks from the house......}


Buck said...

Nice pics, Pat.

BRUNO said...

It's been years since I went back to my original farmstead. It's just not the same, when someone else is now the owner, even though I know them personally, and they tell me I'm more than welcome to visit, and look around. That "magic" seems to be replaced by a cool-fear of offending someone. So I crawl back out to MY current little 10-acres of solitude! I'd DIE if I had to live in a "cookie-cutter" style of suburbia---I really think I would!!!

PRH said...

"Cookie Cutter" describes places like Columbus, Ohio, and name anywhere in the suburban you Bruno, I could not take today's(November 3rd) post will take a look at my front porch view.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a nice area. I like your Jeep. I always thought it would be nice to live on the water but could never afford any property around a lake.

FHB said...

Beautiful pictures. Yea, too many boats and homes can mess up the fieshin'. Bet it was nice back in the day.

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