Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Stupid Are the American People?

???? It appears they are pretty damn dumb.

Let's get one thing straight, I'm no fan of GW Bush, yes I voted for the guy twice, but look who he was running against? Nuff Said, "Hot Air" Al, and the Swift Boat Traitor......as a Vietnam Veteran, those 2 assclowns are right down there with Billy Bob Klin-toon. Only thing I can imagine being worse is the former first dyke....Hillzilla the Beast.

Of course politics in general, and the Presidential race in particular are in a sad state.....let's look at our choices 11 1/2 months out(what the Hell are we doing running a Presidential race that lasts over 2 years anyway?)....

Hillzilla....Obama Osama...and The Breck Girl on the left

Crazy Ron Paul for the druggie we hate America First crowd....

and the RINOs....McCain, Romney, Rudy......

That leaves us with Huckleberry Hound from Arkansas, Fred Thompson, is he still acting? or running for Prez?, and a cast of stragglers...led by Duncan Hunter and Tommy T from Colorado(if I had to choose, it would be from the last 2, but alas, they have little chance.

So we have this interesting collection:

Hillary-Nuff Said, she's Bill with a pair between her legs, and my guess is, she has a better taste in women than her husband.

Obama=a mostly White kid from Kansas, raised white, pretending to be black...too bad his old man the Muslim Terror supporter headed back to Africa long ago, to die with the natives.....

The Breck Girl John Edwards...a low life Ambulance Chaser who uses his wife's cancer and his son's death to prop up his failed campaign.....

Then we have Mexican Bill Richardson....of course Bill fails to mention his dad was as lily white as me, and he was hardly raised in the Hispanic slums of Albuquerque.

Let's not forget the front running GOP boys....

Rudy....Now there is a RINO....don't get me wrong, I respect his view on terrorists, but not much else...could I vote for him? Only if someone put a gun to my head, and if elected, none of us would be able to own guns anyway....

McCain...War Hero, Political Zero.....his stance and support of illegals has left him D.O.A in the GOP.....

Romney....I could support a Mormon...but Mitt was a big time liberal until he decided to run as a Republican for President...again, I could vote for him, but would have to hold my nose.

Huckabee? Another Arkansas Governor from Hopeless.....? We will see....

For those that can no longer stand either party...there is the Constitution Party....I support 95% of their views, but once again, like Ron Paul, they are apt to Blame American First when it comes to the war on terror......
Again I like most of their platforms, but I guess I'm just a hateful bigot...because I want to kick the living camels out of the Middle East....and do it once and for all.
Damn, that felt good....now tomorrow no politics, but on to the Thanksgiving plans.
Photos{? Who is more attractive, Billy or Hilly, and who has the bigger pair?}


FHB said...

Pretty friggin' stupid. Relyably so, in fact. Where the hell is Fred? He needs to get off his ass.

PRH said...

I like Fred, but he seems to have lost interest...or the drive-by media has lost interest in him......

BRUNO said...

I had never even heard of Fred Thompson, until about 6 weeks ago---that shows how much interest I have in politics!

I'm sorry to have to say it, but---I pretty much agree with your view! I mean, really---the "choices" are NONE, and, of course, with Hillary---WORSE STILL...!!!

I had never claimed to be of ANY political party preference in my entire life---"vote from your HEAD!", my Dad would say!

This year, this election---now I know WHY I never did...!

PRH said...

Bruno....makes sense not to have an interest in politics.....all it does is give you ulcers and gray hair......

They drive me nuts.....because I really have a hard time seeing the difference most make(Ronald Reagan being the exception)....

fuzzbert_1999@yahoo.com said...

Great work on those man!

Couldn't have dont better myself.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...