Some 30,000 boat race enthusiasts are heading for Celina this weekend(at least according to the local rag) for the final summer fling on Grand Lake. The Governors Cup Regatta is slated to start this afternoon on our West Bank area. This has been going on for many years, it used to around Lake Festival time, but in recent years has been pushed back to the end of summer. The photos posted here are ones I got last year, soon after I started this blog. Not sure how much of the crowds I want to fight this time around.....30,000? My question is, where the Hell are they going to stay? I know we don't have that kind of motel space in this area...so I'm guessing plenty of RVs will be around.
Soon after I posted my little spot this morning, the Music Playlist came back up...I am going through the songs now, will edit the site a little and come up with 100 complete songs that, as I said yesterday, will hit about everybody except the rappers, with some quality old songs.
Back is stiff, I'm sure football is part, if not all, of it...but stiff and wrecked are totally different things, and so far, I can hold out....finished my scrimmage season yesterday at St. Henry...tomorrow morning the first regular season game, Celina hosting Lima Senior in a Freshman contest, the same two varsity squads go at it tonight here as well(the JV teams play tomorrow at Lima).After the game, I come home, shower, have a beer, then Patricia and I will head over the IC Church for a 3PM wedding of friends of Hal's. He's a groomsman in the ceremony, then the reception will be at 5PM at the local Celina American Legion....will go for a while, but unlike my niece's wedding in June, we will not close this one down...a meal and a couple of hours will be plenty.
Will probably return to the blog on Sunday, have a great weekend.

back later>>>>>>>>>>>
photos-2007 Governor's Cup Regatta photos at Grand Lake, Celina, Ohio.
Have fun, have you tried ice on the back? Could provide temporary relief.
LC....have tried about everything. This is a 20 year battle which is now in spinal stenosis. I had a couple of Motor Cycle accidents, that left me in a bad back way for several years. I did well for a dozen years or so, until last fall when I was half way through football season....epidural injection did the trick last winter, but I would rather not get those more than once a year or so.
For now though, Ice and then moist heat seem to work, that and plenty of walking.
Thanks for the tips....I will continue to hang in there.
Cool playlist dude. Workin' on the post about our meeting. It'll be up this Sunday. Cool lake shots too looks like fun.
Take care of your back, Pat... as if I had to tell ya that, LOL! I sure don't wanna have to watch you go thru more Hell, like last year.
Survived my Freshman game this morning in the heat and humidity...back held out, now the wedding is finished, and I'm off to the reception.
92 degrees with humidity to match.
Hi Friend,
Its a very good work. its more informative. Suggest me some website where i will get more information. All the best good work.Thanks in Advance.
Micky Brown
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