Just a quickie before jumping in the shower.
Sam and I are headed for Nappanee this morning, he has to pick up his briefcase and driving records, and drop off a large hitch. I just want to get away for awhile, so the 120 mile drive each way will give me that chance.
This will be likely Sam's last visit to Hoosier Transit for awhile...at 26 years old(27 in December) he finally has his mind cleared to go back to college....and next Wednesday, he begins his classes at Ohio State University-Lima. If all goes well there, the mathematics major will head for Columbus and the main OSU Campus in a year or two....and with the classes he took several years ago at Wright State, he should have his B.S. in some high class math major at around 30 years old....I can't say much I wasn't done with college until 29. Of course I had the Air Force as an excuse, Sam has the family "wanderlust" as his. Either way, his driving days are put on hold, and it's back to the classroom.
With him being "older" and not part of the family financial empire..:) He was eligible for several grants, and with his math scores he got just about enough to pay his way through. Maybe one small loan he will need, but his brain power is giving him a chance to get his degree without a lot of his own money outlay ed, and without mom having to co-sign any loans. Hummm, maybe all kids should either go in the military or wait to head off to college?
We worked a football game, Junior High, at Spencerville, last night, off tonight, but back at that Saturday morning. I'm at Waynesfield and Sam is at Delphos. Sam now begins his basketball license course one night a week as well(starting October 6th). Baseball, Football, and now Basketball, should earn him enough money to pay for any extra expenses, including his gas, since at this time he is going to make the 80 mile round trip from Celina to Lima and back for classes, rather than live up there. Those courses are 4 days a week this fall quarter. Good Luck Sam, we know you can do it.
On the subject of sons...youngest boy Hal called from Fairborn, last night....thanks to the remains of "Ike" hitting the area on Sunday, they are still without power at his apartment. 5 days, these folks in the Dayton area have been without power longer than some of those in Texas....unbelievable. He is showering at a friend's across town, who has power, and eating out, which is putting a strain on his budget....which for a guy in Grad School, that money flow is already on life support. But he will find time to go to another wedding, this one in Columbus, hopefully when he returns on Sunday, it will be to the modern lifestyle, but no guarantees the power will be back up, even then.
Off to Nappanee, back later!
Hal Stanley Houseworth(L)born 1984, and Samuel William Houseworth(R) born 1981, as they looked 20 some years ago.
Those are great shots Pat...I'm sure they are priceless to you.
I was gonna say the same thing as Mushy. And I WILL, LOL!
Great shots!
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