Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Change, What Change?

"The President-Elect" aka "The Ebony Messiah" yapped about 'change' being the need for his sorry butt to be elected to the highest office in the land....well, I see Barry Obama's "Change" contains at least 4 Has-Beens from the Clinton years......

First off the ever-so-lovely Hillzilla Rodem' Klinton as Secretary of State....if the Clintons can sweep enough dirt under the rug from Bubba's Impeached Presidency to still make their millions and "service" his friends in the Muslim/Oil world.

Then we have Eric Holder, a "minority" appointment for BHO...Holder of course has a couple of issues from his days at the Clinton White House.....the taking at gunpoint of one Elian Gonzalez, 6 years old a refugee from Cuba, from his relatives home, by Clinton thugs from the ATF. Oh' and Holder was also responsible in part of freeing Billionaire Mark Rich, the multi millionaire tax crook...he OKed Bill Clinton's Pardon of Rich on Bubba's last day in office.

Then we head on over to the Chief of Staff of the incoming Barack Insane Obama Administration...that being one Rahm Emanuel...another partisan holdover from the Clinton days....not a crook as far as I know, but a die-hard DNC insider, not exactly the vessel of change.

And today's great news!!!!!! Drum Roll Please---Tom "The Weasel" Dashel, former Senate Leader from the state of South Dakota....seems this little 5' 6" rat has been bidding time waiting for someone to call....and Obama has picked up the phone, and Little Tommy has accepted the job of Housing Secretary.....nice! {correction for my bud Buck...Lil' Tommy gets the Health and Human Services, not HUD}

So Obama's that change working?

As the good news continues....the DOW is down 415 points at 3:45PM Eastern Time.... and the bottom line says..."at the Bell the DOW Falls 427 points and ends at 7998, the first time below 8000 since March of 2003....and the ride towards the bottom continues.

It just keeps getting better{for us Conservative fun loving bloggers anyway, not so much for working Americans}.

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Buck said...

Well... Hillary ain't a "done deal." Yet. Better her than My Guv (Richardson), tho. And Daschle? Not a bad place to put him... relatively harmless. I mean... when's the last time the HUD secretary was in the news? And for what?

Yeppers. Fun, fun, fun. (not)

PRH said...

Heck Buck I blew it...Ol' Little Tommy is up for Health and Human Services....

Correction made

Buck said...

Daschle can do damage at HHS... there's The One's health insurance mandate to consider, and Daschle will likely drive that...

GUYK said...

yep..all that hope and change you can believe in...

Trish said...

Reading for the first time, love your blog.
Supporter of our troops, past and present, so THANK YOU!
Please drop in to a blog from West Chester PA. (Southeastern part of the state, but we're pretty redneck here too)
There's an element of liberals in this college town, and a Peace movement which has been operating for about 5 1/2 years. In protest, we have formed a group of proud Americans in support of our troops. And yes, we thump bibles and tote guns whenever possible. Drives the peace activists CRAZY!

PRH said...

Thanks for dropping by Trish....and giving a hollar. mom was born in Chester, grew up in Wilmington, Delaware...still going strong at 84.

Trish said...

Nice, we love the greater Wilmington area, Winterthur, Brandywine Park and Longwood Gardens isn't far, lots of beautiful country down that way!
84, God bless her!
Well, drop by the Sheepdogs site, and see what's happening out here! I plan on bookmarking your site and will visit from time to time!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...