Our little touch of "Indian Summer" will continue through election day and probably beyond tomorrow until at least Wednesday....yesterday was rather cloudy, but in the mid 60s so I spent much of the day outside with Anissa and Reagan, our aging Airedale, I enjoyed the final days of cigar season by firing up a good smoke{Indian Tabac} and having a quality seasonal beer. I hadn't touched alcohol since coming back from the Salmon fishing trip to Michigan last weekend...figured I needed a drying out period, and chance to get my BP down a few notches...yesterday however, I felt the lure of cigar smoke and a fall brew made by Blue Moon called "Harvest Moon", a Pumpkin based late fall beer, one usually on the
shelf until January.
Election Day is Tomorrow!
Tomorrow the 3 of us, Sam, Patricia, and yours truly, will head across town to a new voting place, and place our meager votes down{Hal already voted absentee when home last week from Dayton}. As far as I know, we will all vote for McCain, far from my first choice months ago, but considering the alternative, I can at least plan on buying in a few months a "Don't Blame me I voted for McCain" bumper sticker...in anticipation of the absolute disaster a President Obama will bring to the country.
In other races and issues, I will vote as I usually do, ignore the uncontested races unless somebody I know or like is running unopposed. I will vote for 1 token Democrat, my CPA and tax man Rick Mosier, against the incumbent, for Mercer County Treasure....Then as far as the Issues? Really have not studied them much{if it involves tax increases I vote NO 100% of the time, unless it's for Mental Retardation or Senior Citizen levies}...However Issue 6 in Ohio is for the right to open a Casino in Ohio, I probably would not care normally, and really don't. But since our NAMBLA supporting pervert of a Governor Ted "The Head' Strickland says vote no, and the local rag "The Daily Worker, er Standard" says no....I will be voting YES...bring on the damn Casino, just to piss off the usual suspects, Left Wing Political hacks and the Media. Then on Issue 5, a NO vote is really a yes vote? A YES vote on 5 says keep restrictions on Pay Day lenders...I'll be voting YES, if for no other reason than my white trash hillbilly neighbors, who have Obama signs in their yard, also have NO on Issue 5 signs.....so, YEP, I'll be voting YES on Issue 5....
So tomorrow will come, Obama in all probability will be elected President, the usual cities will see their inner city celebrations{i.e. riots} win or lose...they will be called one for an Obama win, another for an Obama loss. I suspect to see a deep drop in the Stock Markets this week, and a large increase in Gun and Ammo sales......but it's not all doom and gloom, we live in interesting times, and so did our ancestors, one called "The Great Depression"...Are times about to repeat themselves?
Stay Tuned! We will all find out together........
back later>>>>>>>>>
Photos-Top Left, me and my leg enjoying a cold Harvest Moon and Indian Tabac on the back stoops.....as the radio blares the winless Bengals about to become "un" winless by defeating Jacksonville 21-19. And Patricia's last flowers in the back yard Garden hang on for a few more days....70s for the next 3 days, so they say....then back to fall.
I thought about posting a link to an article in our local paper about gun sales going up 40% in the past month... but didn't. The reason for the increase in sales? Our locals fear The One will implement new gun-control legislation. Probable, too.
(sigh) Interesting times, indeed. But interesting ain't always good...
Looks like a nice break from the ordinary Pat...should be doing that myself.
That's a sweet photo of the cigar up there Pat!
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