Football on Friday Night____
AND A LOOK AT THE PAST! ..... Sports, Dual Sport Motorcycle Riding, Politics, Nostalgia, Music, Photography, and a Healthy Dose of BS....
Monday, August 31, 2009
One Final Salute to Ted Kennedy/Football "Kicks" Off
Football on Friday Night____
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Teddy Kennedy Chivas Regal/Cutty Sark Memorial Funeral
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday Thoughts/The Obama War Update
Not to be morbid or cruel...I am reminded that all things like the Kennedy Bucket Kick come in 3s....who's next? Perhaps Jimmy Carter, the Islamic terrorist loving cracker and absolute worst President of my tears there. And perhaps Nancy Pelosi will crash her taxpayer funded "Flying Broom" into the Rocky Mountains as she 'whisks' home for more criminal fundraising...nope, no sadness there either. We can only wonder.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ted Kennedy=A Milestone for me/Diabetes 2
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ted Kennedy RIH 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So I Lied!
and of course the chief thorn in Obama's side, Glenn Beck:
Monday, August 24, 2009
Back to the Routine
Patricia begins another school year today...St Henry and most other teachers are back at it, with the students to follow tomorrow....She has had a busy summer, canning, cleaning, etc...I'm sure she is probably ready to go back, but will miss her time off.
Football in full time begins this week...I've got scrimmages at Parkway{Rockford} tonight and Spencerville Thursday...the Regular Varsity season begins Friday, and I'm scheduled for the Celina-Lima Senior JV Game here on Saturday morning.
Poor Barry....Our Kenyan Born Prez is vacationing with his skinny legged wife Michelle Antoinette Obama and the kids this week, on the taxpayers dime of course, at that Liberal shithole, Martha's Vineyard....The dump the King and his Queen are staying at is only $35 to 50 thousand per week. Don't you hark en back to the days when GW went to his own ranch in Crawford, Texas? Of course the media and left loons bitched about W being away on Vacation while Iraq Burned...nary a word a word of complaint about Barry and "Shell" spending taxpayer's money to wine and dine with the Kennedy Clan and other white trash on The soon we forget.
Of course Barry is also complaining to the press that they need to give him space, so he and "skinny legs and all" can get some rest from the political wars that the Obama's are losing...losing Big Time! The Rasmussen Report Sez:
Click on the Presidential Tracking Poll....
Yesterday Ol' Barry was down to a minus 14 in his popularity ranking{the all time low} with today being a -12....seems The Messiah ain't fooling everybody all of the time no longer...must be because he's black{or at least half black} and we are all racists? Right Barry! You Hypocritical Son of a Bitch, we despise you and your policies, not because you are black, but because you are a Marxist out to destroy the country for our kids and grandkids.
Of course losing your war in Afghanistan and losing the battle for Socialised Health Care tends to make you a bit's that change working Barry and supporters? I have to say it's pretty sweet watching this pompous ass sink and his lap dog media worshippers not figure out how to stop the slide.
Scotland____with friends like this...
Meanwhile our "allies" in the British Isles continue to spit in Obama's face and suck up to Radical Islam{hint: All Islam is Radical} by letting the Lockerbie Bomber go home to Libya to die...for compassion's reasons of course. Where was the compassion when this bastard blew 273 souls out of the sky over Scotland a few years ago? And the weak protests coming from the Obummer Administration are pathetic.But enough politics...they are starting{and actually have been for awhile} to get boring...the majority of American voters elected this half baked Chicago Street Pimp as President. The weak kneed Republicans are hardly better, so what good does it do to bitch and moan? Time to kick back, fire up a good hand rolled cigar, have a nice drink, say "Screw It", and enjoy the ride.
I can no more do anything about the political situation in the country than I can about the fact that as I age, my body is not what it was at 25.
This doesn't mean I will stop speaking out against this Administration or against things I believe are wrong...but I will no longer rant and rage, on this blog, life is to short{especially after you hit 60} to spend my spare time on things I cannot change.
Back Later>>>>
Photos-30 Giant Sunflowers are now out...the head on this guy is 41 inches in circumference..13 1/2 inches round...this is the granddaddy of the 30, pretty happy with what I've grown here. The Obamas, the Joker and his wife Michelle Antoinette...who appointed these assholes King and Queen of America? And the Victims of the Lockerbie Bombing and their families get another insult from the Brits and Islam.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Tony's Bike Adventure Hits a "Bump"
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Day at the Great American Ballpark
I long ago got tired of the cost, political correctness, and free agency of Major League Baseball and seldom go...I had not been to a Reds game since 2005 when my buddy Andy, his brothers, some nephews and me went to see a weekend inter league series between the Reds and upstate rivals, The Cleveland Indians. Yesterday would be my 4th trip to Great American and first one in 4 seasons....much preferring to view minor league games at Fort Wayne.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Those are what today and tomorrow entails. This morning, after fasting since 10PM last night..I drove over to my Doctor at Minster to have one of the nurses draw some blood. Seems when the were doing my blood work last month to check my Kidneys...the found those OK, but my sugar levels were back this morning for more Vampire feedings....seems she may have stuck that needle in a little the time I got home my inner arm had a nice knot from the sticking..about the size of a half of tennis ball...No wonder I hate giving blood? I'm guessing they are checking me for Diabetes, although no one in my family has ever claimed long as they don't ask me to give up beer drinking in the Summer or want me to stick myself in the finger everyday, I can handle the other options. We will see how that goes.
Tomorrow Patricia, Anissa, me, and 7 other clients and workers from Mercer Residential head for Cincinnati to take in the Reds....although the season has been lost for some time now, this gets the guys to a ball game...hopefully the 60% chance of Thunderstorms will pass the Great American Ballpark and leave us dry. One thing about GABP, not a bad seat in the house, and we will be under the roof in case it does shower. The group will stop in Middletown after the game at the local Pizza Hut for supper.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Weekend in Review
Summer has decided to wait until mid August to rear it's head....still no rain in our area, but plenty of it north, south, in Ohio, plus Illinois, and Michigan...we have been dry, but they are calling for a chance of storms for the next week...some around today, but it's all north..AGAIN! Maybe we will get our share.
The Weekend____
After we picked in Nick's Garden on Friday, and Nick and I smoked the Salmon, Patricia left and Nick and I sat around, smoked a couple of Cigars and downed a few beers....I got to bed early Friday night. Saturday dawned humid but cool enough for the Celina Scrimmages to go forward in good style. Sam, me, and Jim S, did the Freshman vs Piqua, Garry and his crew did the Varsity against Sidney. Just 11 days before the regular season kicks off August 28th....hopeful the rains will soften the fields, and the humidity will drop down.
I had finished painting the house on Thursday, and now just have some garage trim and the garage doors...might get at it today, maybe not. I will then clean up the bushes around the house and garage and the Summer House Project will be done. Here are some after photos:
Patricia spent all day Saturday and part of the day Sunday "Canning" Veggies...plenty of beets, tomatoes, peas, green beans, etc, to go with the already good supply of fruit jam. That is almost done for the year....Good thing too, Patricia is back to school next week, so Summer for her, is about finished.. Here is some of her weekend work:
It was a humid Sunday...after Church, we rotated between the A/C inside and the back yard hopeful of catching a breeze. Anissa, a little tougher than us, when it comes to heat and humidity, spent most of the afternoon in the back yard. As the old song goes.."Too hot to fish, to hot to drink beer." As short, dry, and cool as our summer has been...I am ready for some fall type weather....70s and some dry humidity sounds good.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Smokin' Salmon
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Children of Nha Trang 1969
Held our first "Local" Football Rules Meeting last night in Van Wert....17 or 18 of the members showed up for the first of the season. The State and now 1 local meeting out of the way. Scrimmage start Saturday at 9AM...Sam, Jim S, and I have the Freshman scrimmage at Celina, Garry and his crew have the Varsity across the school campus, at the Stadium. Good that it's early, the heat is predicted to be back on at 90 degrees with humidity to match...always happens early in the season, then by the end of the season, we are freezing our butt's off.
Will get back at painting the trim this morning, and should have that done by nightfall....the house will be complete, and then just the east and front of the garage plus the doors...tomorrow heading over to Nick's to smoke some Salmon. The very Salmon we collected late last October when we headed for the Au Sable in northern lower Michigan.
Nha Trang, The Kids 40 years ago_____
Nha Trang Air Base was surrounded by the 5th Special Forces(Green Berets) at Camp McDermott and by outskirts of Nha Trang City. The villages were mostly of cardboard clap trap homes, made with wire, discarded junk from the was our reality in 1969 Vietnam.
The men of the 14th Security Police Squadron Law Enforcement worked a variety of posts...from mobile Jeep patrols to the SAT Alert teams to the V-100{as shown at the bottom photo with me on the header}...and the entry control points and gates. Many of the entry control posts sat next to the housing projects. The one constant was the kids of these projects. These kids, anywhere from 5 to 15 knew how to charm the Sky Cops at the post, usually begging for candy and snacks for our uneaten C-Ration Boxes....I seldom ate C-Rats, so I usually, when on a gate shack, would give the parts of the packages, crackers, beans, and whatever was inside, except the smokes, to the kids that hung around the rolled wire that separated us from them. The wire was a joke..these kids had pathways through those fences that they could crawl through in lightning speed in seconds.
During our day shift work, these kids were a constant...talking, yapping, begging...they were great kids and great entertainment. It was what kept us sane during those long boring 8 hour shifts...One kid in particular was named "George"...I'm not sure if George "Bruce" Thompson named him, but he was always with one of us...sometimes in the Jeeps, sometimes sitting in the shacks with us...Little George was our Mascot of sorts. The rest of the kids we knew their faces, but everybody knew George by name.
Problem with George was he became too close to us. I remember one morning near the end of my tour at Nha Trang, a forgotten guard let him "look" at the SP's M-16 and George put a round through the gate shack roof. That ended our days with the local kids hanging in the gate shacks and Jeeps. But they still hung around....just not so close.
The kids were comic relief, one wonders what happened to those Children of Nha Trang Air Base when the Communist henchman took over in 1975...brainwashed? Escaped to the USA? I often wonder, and sometimes really don't want to know the answer.
Back to the painting, smoking Salmon tomorrow, back later>>>>
Photos-From Phil Lange and other collections.
Top Left-"George" decked out in his combat gear/Kids in downtown Nha Trang/Walking and Playing on the wired Perimeter Fence at the Base/George and some of his buddies
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Gone Painting'
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The 80% Solution/Summer Winds Down
Despite the Lack of Rain___
Off to get a haircut____
Sunday, August 9, 2009
2009 The 9th Annual "Bar Stool Open" on Grand Lake Ohio
Photos--Some Photos taken before my battery on the Old Sony crapped out for the day___
(1) Me, early on in the event with our 9th edition Bar Stool Open T-Shirt(2) L to R...Youngest son Hal, his college roomie Woost, and Trivey, enjoying one of his may Coronas.(3) Nick taking aim at the Shingle Shack's new hole(4) Our team of 5 becomes 11 as the Duck Do-Do's don't...the stalled(blow prop) can be seen in the back as we load up their supplies(5)Nick at the Helm of his Pontoon....(6) I take my turn guiding us across the Lake.(7 and 8) The Moose Lodge and the Breakers(formerly Carta Villa) a couple of holes midway through our Shotgun Start from Duckfoots
Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025
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