Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy RIH 2009

The Liberal Lion of the Senate has checked out...assumed Room Temperature, passed on, etc, etc.

RIH Teddy...RIH as in Roast in Hell you murdering bastard.

This shell of a man, a bloated drunk, responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne in the summer of of 1969. While drunk driving home, he drove his car with Mary Jo in it off a bridge...while she was trapped inside, the coward from Massachusetts, got out swam away and immediately was looking for an alibi. Of course being the spoiled rich kid and a member of America's most famous family of inbreds...he basically got off scot free and was allowed by the idiot voters of his home state to stink up the halls of the Senate for another 40 years.

Of course the news is all over the talking lap dogs on MSNBC, CNN, Headline News, and even Fox News{to a lesser degree} this morning.. Our Moron of a President, vacationing nearby on Martha's Vineyard, says Kennedy is the Greatest Senator of our Time...No Barry, he was a cowardlly bastard, who saw to it that abortion, right up to the minute of birth, was legal...he championed the right to slaughter the unborn...If there is a Hell, this piece of trash is surely residing there...
Of course the sad part is, the liberal shithole called Taxyertwoshits will put somebody as equally corrupt and far left as this voting wise, things will not change. The face however will, and just knowing he won't be around to lie, disrupt, and murder, is good enough for now.

Good Riddance! I won't be shedding a tear for this useless bastard...let God take him and do with him what is right.
back later>>>>but in the meantime enjoy the "Real Ted Kennedy Legacy" @


GeronL said...

Nice to see you took the high-road and stayed nice like I did =o)

PRH said...

Yep, just like when Reagan became ill, and when Tony Snow died...

I follow one true calling.."Say what you mean, and mean why you say"

Thanx for stopping by UCC...

Munch said...

I've been waiting for your post today! I was not dissapointed!

PRH said...

Wing: I noticed the Kennedy posts on MOL were short lived....:}

For the real Kennedy Legacy here tis:

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...