Sunday, November 29, 2009

Home Brewing/10 pounds to Go

Sunday has dawned a little warmer(mid 40s) than the middle 20s of yesterday...sunshine for the time being, but a chance of rain later in the day. I got up yesterday and dragged myself over to Waynesfield{with Sam in tow, heading back to Columbus} to do the first regular season games of the year...a Girls Junior High double header. The basketball and officiating were typical of a early season....none of us were really in top form, we will leave it at that.

The games ended just before 1pm and Sam and I headed for his off campus apartment at Ohio State...dropping him off, I headed back towards Celina. As I reached Bellefontaine on US 33 I got a phone call from Garry. I work baseball and football with him, and I am on the Board of Directors at MRSI, where he is the Executive Director....we also have good cigars and a love for beer in common. Garry likes to brew his own, and on occasion makes up a batch in his home "still"...he was making an October Brew yesterday and asked me to stop by, drink some he had on hand, and smoke a cigar.

The Mosier Brewery____

I stopped by the house told Patricia and Anissa I was home...and then headed over to the northwest part of town where Garry and the family with some friends were out in the garage sampling beer and mixing up a batch of the Oktoberfest that will be ready by Christmas....

We sampled about a half dozen or more various larger beers, pale ales, stouts, and Christmas brews...some homemade and others from speciality brewers. Drinking 3 or 4 ounces of each was enough to give anybody a buzz, but that's why you only drink a bit of each, I topped off the session with a nice Black Pearl Robusto. If I had downed a 12 oz bottle of each, plus the cigar, I would have had to crawl the 10 blocks home. As it was, I was home by 7pm, watched some college football, games of teams I had no interest in, and hit the sack.

18 down, 10 to go_____

Despite the Michigan fishing trip, the early Thanksgiving with Patricia's family in Wisconsin, and our feed for Thanksgiving at sister Marty's house Thursday....I was pleasantly surprised at this morning's weight check. 190.0 pounds...the lowest I have been in 20 years{since beginning my weight lifting in force}, and 18 pounds down since my early stages of Diabetes 2 was handed down in September 5th. My goal was 180...and despite the Holiday food, and alcohol, I figure by the time Basketball season ends and baseball begins, I should have no problem taking off the addition pounds...March 1st, with 10 pounds to go is doable.

On a side note, the Blood Pressure continues to drop as well...although is varies, it is usually in the 130/68 range with a resting pulse rate of about 62....not too bad for someone who will turn 61 in March.


Might catch the Bengals-Browns game today, if I have time...Cincinnati can go a long way towards sewing up a playoff spot with a win and a Steelers loss at Baltimore....but after last week's collapse at Oakland in the last 50 seconds, nothing would surprise me.

And tonight is when Anissa, our 30 year old daughter, begins a life away from us for the most part...we will see how that works out. Anissa and another woman with some disabilities will move across town to a place of their own. 24 hour "house sitters" will be there, and the first week it will be her God Mother, a family friend who has been caring for her on a part time basis for many years....after the first week, other professional staff from MRSI will be on board.

She will still be back home for most of the weekends, Holidays, and on Saturday Nights.....for now, we will see how this works out. With me heading for 61 and Patricia at 56 and still working full time....this was going to happen sooner or later, and now with us in pretty good health, it's time to give it a try. We will see how things work out.
back later>>>
Photo-Mosier's Home Brewery and a view of the "goods" we sampled last night...including a Black Pearl Cigar. The Cincinnati Bengals with a game against the hapless Browns today, a game that could make or break this surprising season in Cincy.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Pat. Just stopping by to say hello. Good to talk to you again!

PRH said...

Glad to see you up and about Hermit...I've been stopping by the newer blog and trying to catch up.....enjoy the Holidays!

Cookie..... said...

Hey Pat, left a response to yur comment over at "The Shack". BTW, O/T, yur opening picture contains all my vices except one. Knew I liked fer some reason.. ;-)

PRH said...

Thanks Cookie...errr, which one is that? :)

Cookie..... said...

Hey Mate, I'm an old Sailor who literally had one in every port. I'm sure you'll figure out the answer to yur last question. ;-)

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

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