Friday, February 26, 2010

Celina Pool to Remain Open....

Just a quick one this morning....

Schools are closed in the area again today, meaning most have reached past their 5 day calamity day they will begin to extend the school year or cut back on extended weekends that are planned for the spring.

The Bryson Trust it appears can spend money on the City of Celina(Bryson) Pool for operating purposes....guess the outcry worked. Maybe next time the City will think twice before paving seldom used parking lots? Then again, they probably won't....they'll just cut back somewhere else, or figure out a way to increase funding via the taxpayers.....

With the schools closing, including St. Marys where my game is scheduled for tonight, will this throw a wrench in the High School Basketball final weekend? Final league games for the Boys, and Tournament action for the Girls...this could be a major pain. If my game is cancelled, I will be done regardless....Umpire Clinic in Dayton tomorrow, and too many other things going on in the next few I'm hanging up the whistle after tonight, regardless.

Full slate of baseball rules meetings this coming week, a State Meeting in Dublin, and local meetings at my 2 associations....Van Wert and at Indian Lake...then come Friday Patricia and I head to Wright Patterson/Dayton for the Vietnam Security Police Mini Reunion, and the off Broadway Play, "Wicked", which the kids got us tickets for at Christmas, on Saturday evening. Should keep us moving.

back later>>>>>


The Lonely Conservative said...

We just had our second snow day of the year. The first was yesterday. They don't close for much around here. I hope we don't get a blizzard, our district only allots for two snow days!

GeronL said...

Good to see you guys can keep the pool open!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...