Monday, February 15, 2010

More Snow and The Weekend That Was

Another round of Snow is in the forecast for today and tonight....although it appears that most of the "white death" will go south of Mercer County, and the amounts closer to a foot will fall in the southern Miami Valley and down towards Cincinnati....Hal will get his share in the Dayton area it appears, looks like Sam and Columbus will get 6 to 10 inches, we may get 3 or 4 inches. Even that's more that I want to see...especially with no snow melt from the previous storms. Despite the onslaught of Al Gore and Barry's Global Warming Hoax, February, thus far has not seen a day above freezing in West Central Ohio, and it is doubtful(looking at the forecast) that we will see anything above 32 degrees Fahrenheit anytime before March.

Dartball and Basketball Wind Down____

After the basketball fiasco that was Thursday evening, things got back to "normal" over the weekend. Friday evening I did a Freshman/JV double header, then Saturday I followed that up with a afternoon Girls JV game drove another 25 miles east and north and officiated a Boys JV game in the evening....yesterday I gave my legs and back a well needed rest.

Dartball tonight, then tomorrow, back with my Thursday partner for a JH Boys Basketball game...and I am guessing a more fan friendly atmosphere, than the last game we worked....can't be much worse that the post game extravaganza we had Thursday...can it?

Tonight, if we don't get snowed out, will be the final regular season Dartball games...the League Tournament and Playoffs begin next weekend, the All Star Game is March 8th, and we finish the season with the Banquet on March 15th...all of these events take place at our church.

On the basketball front, I have to admit, I'm glad the season is winding down, this week and next are it for me...unlike baseball, where I have tournament assignments and Summer games, basketball and football, once the regular season is complete, so are my seasons. And, especially with basketball, I am glad of it....Baseball, is and always will be, my favorite sport, whether playing, coaching, or umpiring, Football is 2nd and basketball comes in 3rd, although it is the best workout, physically, of the 3. I'm guessing 2, maybe 3, more seasons of Basketball before I hang up that whistle...Football and Baseball I will continue, as long as I'm healthy and fit enough to do them.

Speaking of fit enough, I am continuing to drop the weight at a slow and steady pace, down to 187 over the weekend, meaning just 7 pounds to go. My goal was to hit 180, from last Summer's high of 214, before this baseball looks like I'm on target to get that accomplished. The Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar are staying near normal levels as well.

Vietnam Reunion is Set____

Our 2nd annual Dayton/Wright Patterson Vietnam Mini Reunion is less than 3 weeks away, and I and those guys helping me, Wayne and Bob, have pretty much got things in order for March 5th to 7th at the Air Force we just need to get Mother Nature to cooperate...last year, we got together and froze on the last weekend of January, I pushed it back to the first weekend in March this time around, hopeful that we would get somewhat better weather in early March, I'm still hopeful. Hopeful that this mid winter deep freeze we are having, will give way to a nice little warmup with some sunshine come March 6th, the day long Museum get-together. Time is on our side....keeping the fingers crossed.

Patricia has not had school in a week...last Monday they got classes in, then were snowed out Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday....President's day weekend, took care of Friday and today...back to school tomorrow, unless the snow is more than predicted.....?

Regardless, the long winter continues, and to tell the truth, I am pretty damn bored{as my recent blog entries no doubt attest}...Spring and Baseball will be welcome, despite the ups and downs of April and May weather in the Buckeye State.

back later>>>>

Photos-Thanks to Rick Adams, we finally have a complete list of those in last years Mini Reunion Photo...a good tool when we match it up with this year's group.(last year we had about a half dozen that attended that were not in the photo, hopefully we will get all in the group shot this time around). Dartball winds down, and I am looking forward to baseball season, sick of winter, and frankly, tired of basketball season.


The Lonely Conservative said...

Not too much snow here in the 'Cuse lately. It's nickels and dimes - a few inches here and a few inches there. Not that I'm complaining. No snow days yet this year, but the kids are home all week on winter break.

But, this is Syracuse and anything can happen between now and spring.

Shrinky said...

I can't believe the extremes of temperatures you guys experience, glad it has at least given you a bit of a lull. The reunion sounds set to be fun, I look forward to hering all about it.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...