Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well Here We Go...Snow, Baseball, and the death of Jack "Traitor" Murtha

I said yesterday that if all you have to blog about is health, doctor visits, and the weather....you don't have much to say....


The weather forecast was for 7 to 11 inches of Snow for today, tonight, and tomorrow, with wind blowing it around...well that didn't really happen. 3 or 4 inches is about all we got, and the winds have held off....this gave me a chance to fire up the snow blower and clear the walks and driveway. Patricia and I headed over to Mom's place and dug out the sidewalks and made a path up to the house.....the wind is still forecast to pick up by tomorrow, we will see what that brings.

Tomorrow I am supposed to meet up with my old friends Dick and "Wulfie" for lunch....have not seen Dick in about 18 months, and would be good to BS with him again...tomorrow night our first Baseball Rules meeting is schedule to be held at Van Wert....just 6 weeks until the first "Play Ball" is yelled for the opening of the Ohio High School season.

Did manage to get a Junior High double header in at Elida last night... a Girls DH at that, and rather than "go off" on a couple of coaches and clueless fans...I'll just say we got the games done. I then showed up for Dartball late, but in time to go 4 for 6 and a couple of RBIs...breaking out of our 9 game losing streak, we knocked off the front running team in the North, Rockford, 2 games to 1....before I arrived, the guys scored more, and had more hits, in one game that we got in 3 games last week....I'm now at .431, and back in the hunt for the league Batting Championship....

Enough for now....except to say I saw where John "Jack" Murtha (D-PA) died yesterday...a Vietnam Veteran and one of the most corrupt Congressman in the country...I will shed as many tears for him as I did when Ted Kennedy died.... -0-...rather than rant on about his "service", as a Vietnam Veteran, I can say I despise 3 of those who served in Vietnam, above all others...Oliver Stone, John Kerry, and Jack Murtha.....3 "fellow" Vietnam Vets, who are traitors to their fellow VN Brothers, and their country....rest in peach Murtha, God can sort you out, I will say nothing else about you.

back later>>>>
Photos-Snow and Fog this morning over the western sections of Grand Lake(ohio)...Baseball Season is coming, and the warmer weather, not soon enough for me...and "Traitor" Jack Murtha dead at 77...toasting and roasting in Hell with Ted Kennedy about this time, without a doubt!


Law and Order Teacher said...

I agree totally with your post about the Vietnam vets you despise. They are self haters who feel they need to despise all vets to somehow feel good about themselves. I have no guilt and I'm sure you don't. Screw them.

GeronL said...

I had a pretty short blog post on Murtha myself.

PRH said...

You guys are right....I have no guilt, I did what I felt was right, and folks like Kerry, Murtha, and Stone, can all kiss my backside....

Anonymous said...

I was really happy to hear that old bastard had croaked. It made my day.

PRH said...

I hear ya Hermit, as a former Marine, I know you had to despise him for his trashing of the Corp.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...