Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wearin' O' The Green/St Patrick's Day

Like the blog colors? Not to fear, they will only be around for a day...this day, St. Paddy's Day....and a glorious one it appears to be, at least weather wise. Sure Obama and the henchman/and women led by rubber faced Nanny State Pelosi are about to ram illegally, an unwanted Health Care takeover, down our collective throats, but don't worry, be happy, the end of their reign is coming. Of course the end of the Republic as we know it may happen before we can vote them out of office...hopefully all these criminals will be tried and convicted of treason....with Obama at the top of the list.

But that is for another time, maybe after this Trillion Dollar tax and spend disaster comes into being....

My Irish Roots____

I have done much research the past dozen years on my Houseworth Family Genealogy:

I've put it in a book, shared it with Houseworth relatives, and added it to the above blog.....The Houseworth surname, came from Germany along with my Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather Jacob Hauswirth...Zweibrucken in the southwest portion, near the Black Forest, to be exact...Jacob Houseworth arrived in 1751. My Irish ancestors arrived a little over a century later, around the dawn of the Civil War.

Patrick Feeley_____my Irish forefather

Mom's Grandfather, a man of Irish Catholic blood arrived from Ireland in 1860, as best as I can find{I still have much research to do on this side of the family}, and like Jacob Hauswirth some 109 years before, landed in Philadelphia, the true birthplace of America.

Patrick Feeley became a councilman in Chester, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of mom...he was a Republican, unlike the inbred Kennedy Clan, Patrick was a Irish Catholic Republican...more reasons to like him.

So if time and health enable me to peel off another layer of ancestor history, the Feeleys of Ireland will be where I start. Now Mom's maiden name was DeVore, from the French side...but come on! French!! I don't think I'm going there....and besides, the Irish make up a full 50% of the 8 portions of my heritage. As best I can gleen, I am 4/8th Irish(Feeley and Gibson), 3/8th German(Houseworth, Hauswith), and 1/8th each French(DeVore), and English(Waldrons).

I was born in the evening hours of March 16th, just a few hours short of St. Patricks' Day...and was thus named Patrick, in reference to my Great-Great Grandfather Patrick Feeley, and St. Patrick's Day....

SO HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY TO ALL, both those with and without Irish Blood.

Green Green---

Sitting out back yesterday on my 61st Birthday, I enjoyed a couple of Cigars and quite a few Miller Lites in the backyard sun....a March 16th that was much better than is usually found this time of year....60 degrees, sunshine, and light and the aging Airedale, Reagan, stayed out back until Patricia arrived home....after she took her nightly walk, I cooked up the steaks and mushrooms for the evening meal. I admit I was pretty well buzzed by the time I cooked the meal, but it was enjoyed, as had been the cigars and beers before.

The main thing I noticed yesterday was the appeared to be turning greener and growing as I sat out back, or perhaps it was the mixture of beer, cigars, and sunshine...but I swear the grass was growing and green-in'

Tonight another Rules Meeting in Van Wert, where I will look at some new duds for the upcoming baseball shirt to go with the 20+ pounds off, and some new hats as well. Then tomorrow, and the weather is scheduled to be near 70 degrees with sunshine(you know this cannot last long in March), I put on the gear for the first scrimmage game, at Delphos Jefferson.

Meanwhile basketball continues...on the High School level, local team Fort Recovery won their Regional Semi Final and takes on Dayton Jefferson(not to be confused with Delphos Jeff), for a right to head to the State Final 4 next weekend. Celina will play Lorain Clearview tomorrow in the Division 2 Regional Semis....and NCAA action, with the final 64 set begins Thursday as well...with my favorites, Duke and Ohio State set for action on Friday.

Enjoy St Paddy's Day....

back later>>>>

Photos-(1)Happy St Patrick's Day indeed! (2) Map of Ireland, land of 50% of my forefathers (3,4) Mid March the grass in my back yard is seldom this green this early, means my usual 1st week of April mowing start, may be moved up, especially if the sun and warm temps continue as predicted for the next 3 or 4 days.(5) ever wonder what the bottom of a Miller Lite Bottle looked like, in the sun, half full? Me neither, but I took a couple of photos anyway...told you yesterday's birthday cigars and beer had an effect on me!


are you kidding me? said...

Are you kidding me? I think I've stumbled upon one of the most ridiculous, jokes of a blog. Cuntservative nut job to the greatest!

PRH said...

thanks for stopping by Kidding me. you gutless left wing asshole...look between your legs, being a liberal male, now you know where the joke is.

Trish said...

Wow, a troll on St Patty's day, takes nerve to be that ignorant.
Where do they find idiots like kidding me????? I mean seriously, how dim witted do leftists get?

As for your Irish roots, I loved the story! Have a few of me own, 3/4 Irish and married to one who's 100% Irish!

PRH said...

Hey Trish...thanks for the check-in...I leave idiots like "are you" and their comments stand. I give them one shot to make a fool of their Obama loving selves, then I delete anything else they decide to say.

Trolls, gutless left wing trolls, are just like their Marxist Hero Obama, pathetic.

Thanks again...spring as sprung for a few days...

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...