Monday, February 13, 2012

The Week Ahead....the Weekend Past...

After the Friday night game at Shawnee finished, I headed home through a lite snow, and was sipping on a dark lager, while watching the tube, when my cell phone was a bit past 10 and I was thinking, as I looked a a number that I did not recognize.."Who at this hour"?  Turns out it was a umpire/official out of Greenville that I had worked with on several occasions...he had accidentally double booked, and needed help at Celina the next afternoon for the 7th grade tournament...a venue that I wasn't scheduled to work until Thursday.   Since I didn't have a scheduled game on Saturday, I told him I would help out.  So Saturday at Noon I headed to the Middle School gym, where I worked a double header.

The thing about the Celina Middle School is, that damn old wooden floor has no give...and is where my back issues appeared to have began several weeks ago...this weekend it looks that the same issues have arisen.

The K-Man_____

Yesterday Patricia, Anissa, and I,  headed down to Centerville for the "Dedication" of Grandson Kasyn at the church that Hal and Lisa attend.  We left Celina about 9am, went straight to the Church for the ceremony.  Dedications are now common practice at some churches, they use instead of a formal Baptism...with the Baptism coming along later, when the child can understand the meaning. 

After the ceremony and service, we headed to the Condo, with the rest of the grandparents, a uncle, Tyler, from Lisa's family, and some of their friends, where we had a carry in meal, and got a chance to get the grandparents 'fix' holding Kasyn.   We headed home about 2:30 so we could get Anissa back to her provider close to on time.

This morning, from {probably} the basketball, the drive to Centerville and back, and just aging, wear, and tear, the back is more than a bit sore....hopefully with the end of basketball officiating season in sight, I can rest it up, and be in shape by baseball season beginnings in mid March.

The rest of the week looks pretty full, even for the retired:  Today a board meeting at MRSI, tonight the next to last week of Dartball, before the tournament and all-star season.  Tomorrow, with some snow in the forecast, I will head to LCC for a Junior High double in Lima....then Wednesday, I will head to Troy early, meet up with Hal, where I will pick up the K-Man and bring him back to Celina for the day.  Hal and Lisa are back to work, and I will get my first taste of "baby sitting" in 25 years or so Kasyn will spend the day with me....Lisa has work in Celina to do in the Afternoon, a meeting concerning Anissa and her care, so I will watch the Grandson until Patricia comes home....then I will head to Van Wert for a baseball rules meeting.

On Thursday it's off for a Cardio consultation with the doctors....then the return to the Celina Middle School for another round in the 7th grade tournament.  Friday back to Van Wert for a JV game with St. Marys, which leaves me only one more officiating gig on the 24th a final boys JV game in Celina, with the exception of a youth tournament at Parkway March 8th.

Meanwhile I will try to rest the back as much as possible and keep the Blood Pressure lower with the increased medication far that seems to be working, along with dropping some of the Holiday far I'm down about 7 pounds since the New Year began....I would like to drop another 10 or so by baseball....we will see if I can do that.

back later>>>>

Photo-The Pastor, Hal, Kasyn, and Lisa, on the Dedication at Fairhaven Church in Centerville.

1 comment:

reason refill said...

Saturday at Noon I headed to the Middle School gym, where I worked a double header.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...