Monday, October 29, 2007

Daylight Savings Time and the coming winter

Another brilliant government move has pushed the end of DST back another week...meaning it will be "fall back" an hour this coming weekend....since Daylight Savings now lasts 238 days, my question is..."Why not just make it year round?"...this makes no sense, plus I hate seeing it get pitch dark before 5 O'Clock come December and January.

With the coming change, means snow can't be far behind, although as I have said, our snow has been minimal the past few years...I have lived in some snowy places since the family moved from Florida in 63.....the worst? Rome, New York, where I resided in the Air Force from late summer of 70 through spring of 72....then stayed there through into the fall of 1973. I remember the first year(winter of 70-71) we were buried under 300 inches of snow...however, me an my Air Force best friend the late Jack Friedl, from Moon Township, PA(outside Pittsburgh) learned how to snow ski....something I would use for years, including a stint at a ski lodge in Wisconsin, where I worked one winter.

Wausau, Wisconsin, where we resided in the late 1970s had it's share of snow as well...but more than snow, the Wausau are was cold, damn cold....I remember a morning when it hit -52...the batteries on my Jeep and Patricia's AMC Hornet both froze solid....we jumped started the landlady's truck with the tractor and went into town to get engine warmers and new batteries....a bitch of a cold spell where it went over a month without ever getting about or night.

Ohio, Indiana, and Kansas, have had their share of snow while living there as well.....but as I mentioned last week, the snow blower is not getting that much work...{Thank God for Global Warming!}.....let's hope it stays that way.

Today sunny and 62, tomorrow more sun and 70, although we did get our first sets of frost the past two mornings.

{snow photos: From Charger buried in the 416 Barracks Parking Lot at Griffiss AFB, NY in early 1971...Jose Wales enjoying his first snow on the farm in 1986.... Rag and Max frolic in the snow during the Blizzard of 78 in Wisconsin...the current house a couple of winters ago, awaiting a " Snow Blow Job"...}


GUYK said...

I was stationed in Great Falls MOntana for four years..Hahn AB Germany after that for over four more..and retired from an AFB in Alaska..I have seen all the snow I ever want to see.. said...

Should get our first frost tonight, but we'll see.

I mowed all day and trimmed trees just like it was over, so only time will tell.

BRUNO said...

You've got quite a bit of work for that snow blower there, acreage-wise! Wish I had that two-car garage back there!

I thought I was the only one who liked old-houses!(Mainly because they're made with OAK timbers, instead of that "contractors-specialty-pine"!)

We got a NASTY frost Monday morn. The only thing green now will be the winter-wheat! Time to grind the leaves in another week or so...!

Buck said...

Upstate NY does get some snow! Can you spell "Lake Effect?" I knew you could...

That said, the worst place for snow I was ever stationed was at the extreme northern tip of Hokkaido, Japan, in a little fishing port called Wakkanai. The average annual snow fall was 220 inches, emphasis on average. During the winter you could walk across the top of the eight-foot chain link fence that surrounded the site and never even know it was there. So much for security...

PRH said...

I remember the first winter at "The Griff" in Rome...the plows would pile up the flightline finally melted around July 4th....another thing bad about Upstate NY...little spring, the winter ended about mid June and then we had "bug" season until mid September....Northern Wisconsin was much the same, except less snow.

Anonymous said...

I like snow just fine. We used to get good snow storms up here in the mountains three or four times a year, but it has been six years now since we had a good snow.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...