Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rainy Days and Tuesdays


Yesterday was Monday and nice, today the rain made it's show...we could use it, but anytime you can get sunshine and warm weather with less humidity in October, we will take it.

Worked the Greenville gig this morning....can't figure out what to drive to work, the Jeep or the Intrepid...the Jeep rides rougher, but the seat is firmer, the Dodge rides nice, but with the low, soft seats...he messes up the back...took the Dodge and the back feels it....with the end of the football officiating season in sight, I look forward to easing the back problems....after going over a dozen years with no major pain in the back...I have to say this sucks, but hey, things could be worse. No football until Thursday, so will rest up....another down side though is , with the back problems, I can't hit my basement gym and do weight training...so it throws the whole damn routine off kilter.

Decided to change the second header photo on occasion, the current one is me and my bride some 30 years ago on the wedding day in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin(her hometown)....it was in December and for some strange reason, the temperature was in the upper 60s on that December 18th....a record high I am sure....

{the photos on the post show the rain that replaced to 80 degree sunshine from yesterday...the Jeep and Intrepid getting a free wash}


Buck said...

Dang, Pat...NOT good that the back is still out of whack. Take care of yourself, get some rest, and all that. I hope you feel better...SOON!

fuzzbert_1999@yahoo.com said...

I hope you chose to take the jeep and to cinch up the seat belt really tight. Sounds better for your back than a cushiony luxury ride.

FHB said...

Dude, take care of that back, even if it means missing games. That shit will ruin your life if you don't get it taken care of. My dad swears by chiropractors, but I've always seen them as witch doctors. Anyway, I hope you get some sort of relief. I know how misrable it is.

PRH said...

Went through 6 or 7 years of constant back pain in the late 80s and early 90s after my last motorcycle wreck...have been pretty pain free the past dozen years or more...UNTIL this year...
Don't know what the scoop is, but I suspect 80+ baseball games and another 30 or so football contests have something to do with it.

Drove the Jeep this afternoon, and even with the shake and bake of the Wrangler, the seats are a much better fit for the back....FB season is about done, so then will decide whether to get a cortisone shot, have not needed one since 93, I usually can live through the pain, rather than overdue the drugs....a glass of Drambuie on the Rocks usually helps....but I ain't no fool, I will not go without relief if I don't have to.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...