Friday, October 10, 2008

McCain Rally at Waukesha, Wisconsin/The Angry Man

My wife is from southeast Wisconsin originally...growing up about 15 miles west of Waukesha. in the city of Oconomowoc. If fact we were married in Waukesha County, City of Oconomocwoc, Wisconsin, 32 years ago this December.
Yesterday John McCain took his dying Presidential hopes to that Badger State city in hopes of getting the GOP faithful fired up...the crowd got fired up alright, thanks to this gent who told Juan what many of us think...We are on the road to Socialism, and we are mad as Hell:

Now that guys has it right!


It's sad to think that a majority of America's youth have been blinded by "The Ebony Messiah", and many ignorant adults have fallen for the same Marxist lies.

Meanwhile the economy is heading south, Bush still says that Government can solve the problem. NO, the government cannot solve the problem. The economy will fall, and it will rise again, but only if the free market lets it. The question is...Do we as Americans have the will to let if fall and then rise again? Sad to say, most don't. And therein lies the problem, our current citizens, unlike those of our ancestors, don't have the wherewithal to gut it up and survive a major Depression...and make no mistake, it is going to be a Depression, not a recession. The question remains, are you prepared?

On a more upbeat note...the west central Ohio weather remains almost perfect...70s and 80s with lots of sun for the next 4 or 5 days is predicted. Football is in my plans, I officiated a double header yesterday, and have games schedule tomorrow at McGuffey and a local Rec League tournament game Sunday.....

Whether you agree with my view on the economy and what Obama is going to do to it if elected, go out and enjoy your weekend, and pray for the best for yourselves, your family, and your country, and what we are going to see come our way.

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>


Anonymous said...
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Buck said...

Ah, well... it DOES look like it's gonna be a nice weekend here on The High Plains. Not many of 'em left this year, so I WILL get out and enjoy it. I hope you do, too!

And congrats, Pat. You know you've made it as a blogger when you start attracting trolls! ;-)

PRH said...

Message to Anonymous: Lefty...repost using your name and/ or blog site and I'll leave it up, otherwise STFU....if you don't have the guts(and you being a Marxist, trust me you don't, to use a name or are not getting your voice heard Sparky, so stuff it.

PRH said... trolls, but they have to give me a link or name....otherwise they are nothing but good little Stalins, and I'm not listening


Have a great weekend brother....

Anonymous said...

Seems to me you summed it up nicely. Particularly the dim prospects for the Republican party in November. If the Democrats get the presidency and control both houses of the legislative branch, we've had it.

Anonymous said...

Pat, you can set your blog up not to allow anonymous comments. It's under settings in the layout section, I think. I got so sick of that stuff I went to a restricted access blog. Like you, I'm not doing this to provide a forum for nitwits.

PRH said...

I don't mind nitwits Hermit...but they better damn sure leave me a name or blog's usually gutless lefties that try to hit, run, and hide behind the anon badge.

FHB said...

I think the whole thing stinks, but that's the way it's goin' down. i think Obama's gonna win. There's too many stupid people out there.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...