Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Red Sky in Morning/Basketball Classes

Our summer like weather continues for another day or two. After sunny and very warm for mid October yesterday, things will begin to slide towards fall...but it will stay warm for another day or so. Today, partly cloudy and 77, tomorrow, rain possible in the afternoon and 75. Then is goes downhill for a few days, then 60s for next week, more October like.

Usually the old saying "Red Sky in Morning, Sailors Warning" means rough weather is on the way....well this morning here in west central Ohio we had a "Red Sky". So far though, I don't see anything that would be warning like in our forecast.

After giving it some thought I decided yesterday to take Basketball Officiating classes. Now approaching 60{next March}, with a recent history of back issues, this might sound crazy, and it probably is. But I figured, what the Hell?. If I can survive 80+ baseball and 40 football games since my injection last December, I might as well give basketball a try....I always loved playing{although I sucked} basketball, and watching the High School and College game. However, unlike baseball and football, I never coached it....I had thought the game was rather simple as far as officiating. After last night's first class, I realize, it's more complicated than that. So anyway, I'll give it a try...and test my back, and limit myself to Jr High games the first season. Plus, with the RV business in the tank for now{and the foreseeable future}, I doubt if I'll be doing a lot of RV deliveries this winter....and I need to keep busy, not one to sit around, no matter the season or weather.

Hint for today:

Check out{Google} Obama and his connections to ACORN, Public Allies, or other "Community Organizations"....then get back to me, or say to yourself, "Yep, this sonofabitch is a hard core Marxist". This is what is heading our way....and it's not going to be pretty. As inept as the McCain Campaign has been, and as weak as he has been on the Economy and Social agenda...Is there any doubt Barry Hussain Obama has us headed straight to Hell in a Socialist/Marxist hand basket?

Think about it!

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
photos-A couple of Red Sky shots taken this morning before sunrise, from my upstairs bathroom window facing east over Celina---and a Basketball, as I will get my 3rd license in Ohio High School Sports...am I nuts?


Kevin R said...

The latest twist on the bailout proposal has GWB effectively nationalizing many of the nations top banks. He just signed into law a new cabinet level position of copyright czar which adds to his previous creation of department of homeland security and actions like no child left behind---all of which have the effect of expanding the federal governments reach, power, and control over the most ordinary actions of a citizens life. At what point do we not see that the GOP has abandoned its traditional role as advocates of limited government and personal freedom? I am voting libertarian.

Buck said...

Ah... nice sunrise pics. I've only seen the sunrise a couple of times in the last few weeks, and always from the wrong side of the bed. The perils of an unstructured life...

Your weather continues to be MUCH better than mine... it's 44 degrees as I type, at 1220 hrs... no less!


PRH said...

Agree Kevin, we Conservatives are in a no-win situation. The government buying/owning these banks is FDR all over, and no, FDR and his socialist New Deal did not get us out of the depression. It in fact was growing old, and the people tire of the stuff when, what do you know? WW2 broke out.

Buck: I can't believe you guys are getting this bad of weather this early.....that's just wrong!

Sarge Charlie said...

I love that photo pat

AmPowerBlog said...

Good job on the basketball classes!

Hey, but Obama likes to shoot hoop, so maybe he can come and officiate a couple with you as part of presidential outreach, LOL!

Great morning pics...

Thanks Pat!

david mcmahon said...

Great sky shot!

FHB said...

Basketball too? Damn dude, just go get a friggin' job. Yer makin' me sweat with all this activity. Nice shots too. And yea, we're fucked. He's gonna make "slick willie" look like Harry Truman.

Sandi McBride said...

Sailor take warning...
congratulations on the Post of the Day mention from David.

PRH said...

thanks to all...and thanks again David for the "post" mention.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...