Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is a Revolution at Hand?

The 100% chance of rain pretty well missed us, at least in Mercer County and south...the northern parts of western Ohio, and northeast Indiana were not as lucky, and continued to get dumped on. The "Hawk" is blowing today...40MPH which should start to dry things out as baseball season for the High Schools and area College teams approaches....I am 10 days away from the first scheduled scrimmage...meanwhile Sam(the oldest son) is going to double dip...he has 30 or so high school varsity games to umpire, while his Ohio State University-Lima Barons have about 40 on their schedule to play, which begins this Saturday at Xenia with a double header...we will see how his 27 year old body keeps up with the 19 and 20 year old teammates.

On the agenda for today...Rick is coming over from Indiana to work on knocking out a wall at his mom's house....he will call when he gets in town, I'll probably stop by and 'watch' him work. Baseball Rules meeting at Van Wert tonight...this will give me 4, and I will be legal for another year. You must attend 4 local and 1 State of Ohio rules meetings each season...the additional ones you attend will look good on your Resume when assignors are looking for Tournament Umpires...I usually get my share.

If you follow my rants with any frequency, you know I'm a pretty far right kind of guy, but a right leaning Libertarian is what I call myself. Never one to set rules for others...unless(like most abortions) they cause harm to others, especially innocents. Sure, I'm a Christian, but I believe that other folks are going to have to find Jesus Christ on their own...I'll give my opinion, and let them think they are heading for Hell in a handbasket, but their salvation, as is mine, is their own concern. Yes, I will pray for them to find Christ, but I won't try beating it into them...that just doesn't work. As far as where the country is headed, especially under the leadership(or lack of) of one Barry Soetoro Obama, is another thing.

The winds(and just not those in western Ohio) are bringing a sense of 'Change', and we are not talking about the type his Majesty was talking about on the campaign trail....The kind I am smelling are from those that realize they have been dealt cards from the bottom of the deck. I feel no pity for those fools that voted for this son of a bitch from Chicago, you get what you pay for. I do however, sense an anger from the middle class, who is getting bent over by this big eared bozo, as well as those that support the right to bear arms, oppose illegal immigration, and want us to stop "Democracy Building" in countries filled with those that hate our very existence. Those haters would be the Islamics. Those of us that support Israel, whom Obama is about to hang out to dry, are on that list as well.

As for me? As I mentioned during the campaign...not a Hell of a lot of difference between the Republicans and the, the Dems want to send us to Hell and destroy the Republic in a Jet, while the GOP would prefer the slow death of a thousand paper cuts, or take us down in a tug boat....either way, we are getting there, unless something changes.

I sense a Revolution against Big Government is brewing...and a class war like we have not seen before. It's us(those that believe in little Government) against them(those folks who think BIG Government and BIG Unions are their own personal saviors). Right now them, The Obamanation and his minions, have the upper hand...things will get worse before they get better on the economic front. In the meantime you have to ask yourself where you stand....and be careful, those that stand in the middle of the road(American Idol watchers and political Moderates) tend to get run over by the fringes on both sides...just saying.

I know where I stand, do you?

Scary stuff is coming....I am not sure how it will work itself out or how it will end...but I believe the beginning is here. I have a pretty good handle on who the enemies are...and most of them sit in their Ivory Towers in Washington DC. Now don't read anything into this post, I am not calling or advocating anything...I am just saying, citizens beware.
Remember Glenn Beck and his "We Surround Them" get togethers are set for this Friday Afternoon at 5PM(EDT)....if you can't make one, you can see it on Fox News.
Back with lighter stuff later on.....this rant was heavy enough for this morning.


Cookie..... said...

As usual, we're on the same side of the fence, and I also sense what you are. People are are politically astute and keep abreast of what is happening in Washington and around the nation are beginning to open their eye's. The rest...well, they voted him into office...the stupid dip-shits. They are only concerned where their next freebie is coming from, how much it will be, or who's going to win "Dancing with the Stars" or some such assinine program.

I wasn't sure just where you stood regarding a "Higher Power", but after reading this, I'm going to send you an E-mail about something, something I will be doing.

BTW, see ya at the "Meet-Up" Friday mate...

Anonymous said...

I don't doubt that you are right. I think it's a matter of how long it takes for the lid to blow off.

Larry said...

I sense a Revolution against Big Government is brewing...and a class war like we have not seen before. It's us(those that believe in little Government) against them(those folks who think BIG Government and BIG Unions are their own personal saviors). Right now them, The Obamanation and his minions, have the upper hand...things will get worse before they get better on the economic front. In the meantime you have to ask yourself where you stand....and be careful, those that stand in the middle of the road (American Idol watchers and political Moderates) tend to get run over by the fringes on both sides...just saying.

I know where I stand, do you?

This darn near sounds like an "altar-call" in a fundamentalist church [meaning REAL SERIOUS-'n-HEAVY] --- but you haven't exaggerated at all, Rev. Houseworth. I'm confident you're closer to "the heart" of The Almighty than Jeremiah "Bullfrog" Wright, too. Great post, my man.

Deborah Wilson said...

The lid will blow sooner or later:
Wounded Veterans Plan Considered

PRH said...

More proof Deb, that the Obama Administration will try to do whatever it pleases....The Messiah and his followers have a plan. That plan is to destroy the very foundations of this once great Republic, dishonoring the heros that fought against his Muslim Radical Relatives is just another way to accomplish that goal.

Trish said...

Going to a We Surround Them in my neck of the woods! Lots of folks are scheduled to join us.
Took my new Taurus 9mm out for a spin at the range the other day. It's got some punch!
Hubby is buying his first shot gun today. He's definitely excited.
Going to be a beautiful day for us!
Did someone mention a revolution?

PRH said...

Congrats on the new purchase Trish...Obama and his wife support the troops Deb....didn't you know that? They would never, ever, lie....

We have found the enemy...and they reside in Washington DC.....

Deborah Wilson said...


Obama is just another *career politican* - 98% will say anything to get elected.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...