Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Final Edition

Final Edition? Not really, just didn't know what the heck I was going to write about. I took Reagan out to the vets first thing this morning, the old Airedale continues to struggle with allergies, and I had to get her a steroid injection and some anti-biotic....Raising dogs, like kids, is an expensive task, especially when the canine gets older or has health problems...but what the Hell, you can't take the cash with you...and if you try, the stinking Government, especially under the new Obamanation, will take it might as well spend it on the dog.

Speaking of Barack, I see he was on teleprompter this morning talking to the French Frogs and the Germans...he was smooth as silk while giving his prepared speech...but then the 20 minute "question and answer session" nobody's surprise(or it shouldn't have be) the out-of-his league halfrican was a incoherent babbling fool. He's just too damn easy to despise.

Here it is April 3rd....usually by this time we have maybe gotten in 2 or 3 games and scrimmages of baseball. After last night at Antwerp, I have now completed 11 games(4 regular season games and 7 scrimmages), that is way out of range for normal. That string will likely end tonight.

By the time I drove the 50 miles from Antwerp south to Celina, the rain had started up near Van the time I got home, the sky was lighting up big time, and then came the downpour, which lasted until about 8 this morning. I'm guessing an inch or 2, maybe more....I don't think, with the leaden sky still with us, that the Varsity game at Spencerville, will be played...Sam and I were supposed to work together tonight, but that probably will have to wait. Tomorrow looks sunny, and I'm supposed to be here in Celina for a double header on the Bulldog's artificial turf at Montgomery Field...that has a good chance of drying out. Sam is scheduled to play in a OSU-Lima Barons double header at home against Ohio University-Lancaster. The rain returns for Sunday, and Monday and Tuesday will struggle to reach 40(according to the National Weather Service) and snow and some rain will mix.

OK...I really hope it gets nice for tomorrow, I would like to do the double header, but even more than that, I would like to fire up one or 2 of my new batch of cigars on the back step...and down a cold one outside as well.

Have a good weekend.

back later>>>>>

photo-The sidewalk and flower area along the fence and west side of our house showing the rements of last nights downpour...not sure how those yellow tulips are going to react to Monday's snow and wind....? And I had to leave you with the "poster" below...taken from Michael at the Rebellion Southern Style blog...this "Salesman of the Year" poster says it all....enjoy the weekend!


Grandpa-Old Soldier said...

Have a good weekend Pat. Drink as many beers as you are allowed.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I've spent some time listening to your music. After BO's Europe trip where he apologized for being an American I needed a dose of Americanism. Thanks.

Larry said...

"LaO Teacher" makes a good point, Pat. Some good stuff on that PlayList! Looks like you folk are greening-up quicker than N. IL!

Anonymous said...

I saw Obama groveling to the King of the Wahabis when I read the news this morning. Hard to believe, even for him. I wonder how we got into a place like this.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...