Thursday, April 23, 2009

Slow Road to Spring/Earth Day BS

Mostly sunny but cool yesterday, however, no game for me, as the AD from Lima Shawnee called and says.."Pat, we just had a big downpour go through the school area, and the field is soaked again...sorry". It's been that kind of April. 3 straight weeks of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday(make up day) rain outs...This is putting a cramp in league play, I have been getting calls daily to ask if I have a certain day open, hardly, heck I've even got a double header this that is rare. In fact, take away a couple of Sundays, and I have only May 8th and May 15th open between now and the Sectionals at Hopewell-Louden. Even after the 15th I have few days off...except time set aside to head to Mesick, Michigan, for our annual Mushroom Hunt and get together...until after the Regional Tournament.

This afternoon, after Sam returns from OSU-Lima, we will head to either Wayne Trace or Ayersville to do a Green Meadows Conference is scheduled for WT, but again may be moved{update, game has been moved to Ayersville due to wet outfield at WT}....Trace just cannot get enough nice weather to dry off their outfields. Tomorrow another league(WBL) game at St. Marys, and a couple of double headers for the weekend.

NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs

With the Flyers and Blue Jackets on the verge of being eliminated tonight, my interest in the Stanley Cup will probably wane...especially since the weather is turning(at least they say) nice for a few days...with nobody to root for, I won't waste my time watching games rooting against someone(i.e. Detroit, Pittsburgh, and New Jersey)

The Economy

I see GM will shut-down for 9 weeks this summer...of course the UAW non-workers will continue to get most of their money, even while the company drops into the Obama Shitter. Great move America, we get the politicians and Government we deserve, and we are getting it.

How about that Earth Day celebration yesterday? I celebrated this annual bullshit "feel good day" by firing up both lawn mowers and my chain saw. I mowed mom's yard for the first time this spring, took care of our back yard....and then got the chain saw out and fired it up to cut some limbs and small trees that needed "killed off". Earth Day and Green Jobs....what a line of bullshit. And believe me, I'm as big an Environmentalist as there is...I worked in it for 20 years, and I can tell you, Al Gore, Barack Oasshole, and the rest are clueless..."Cap and Trade" will kill us. I looked at my Natural Gas Bill this annual "budget plan" went from $89 to $140 a month, while fuel prices are supposed to go down. I cannot guess how many people are going to go broke and jobs lost, paying for this son of a bitch(Obama) and his "Green Jobs" program? But you can bet it will be plenty.

Enough for this go around....67 today with sun, I plan on enjoying it.

back later>>>>

Photos-My Tulips are coming out, despite the 30 degree temperatures this morning./The recent and 4 or 5 days a week rains are playing havoc with baseball diamonds and the High School schedules/The Stanley Cup Round #1 winds down/and at the great Stihl Chainsaw and the limbs and small trees I took out yesterday for Earth own little way of telling Barry O and Al Gore to "Kiss my Right Wing Terrorist Ass"


Anonymous said...

That seems like as good a way as any to celebrate "Green Weenie" day.

Law and Order Teacher said...

We could also fart or breathe heavily, methane and carbon dioxide. Both alleged pollutants. I hope you get some games in. I'm going to grade a lot of papers and watch some of my players in their spring soccer games. Good times. Nice way to spend a weekend, minus the paper grading.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...