Friday, October 2, 2009

Olympics to Chicago "NO"/Blame it on Rio?

I have to admit when I heard the news on Glenn Beck this morning that the Barry Soetoro Obama/Michelle Antoinette Obama/Oprah WinsomefriedChicken tour of Denmark failed to secure the Olympics 2016 bid for Chicago and the USA, I had a big smile on my face....

A few million(American Tax Payer) dollars jetting 3 large plane to the north country in a failed effort by the King and Queen of America and the World to bring the bloated, over-hyped games to the USA has went down in flames...


Most Americans didn't want it, and the tax payers have enough on their plate....

This news has made my weekend...of course anytime The Obummer loses, it makes my weekend.

"Blame it on Rio Indeed"....Rio De janeiro wins the games, good luck with that'll need it.

Have a Great Weekend...back later


Larry said...

Yep, when I spotted the blazing headline on Drudge around 10:45 Central I literally applauded for perhaps 15 seconds. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.

GeronL said...

You should have added Duran Duran's "Her name was Rio...." to your music list for this.

He basically told the IOC that America sucked before he was elected and now its all peachy.

It was all I I I I I... Obama loves him some him!

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Jerry in Texas said...

Best quote that I heard about the Chicago Olympics bid:

"We should stop the comparisons to Hitler. At least Hitler got the Olympics to come to Berlin."

PRH said...

lol...great one Jerry!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

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