Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 2009...The Month Ahead.

Well here it is...October. You can count on summer being pretty much finished for good...O' sure we will get a shot or two of "Indian Summer" here in western Ohio, and maybe a stray thunderstorm or two, but for the most part any semblance of Hot weather will wait until May of 2010 or maybe even later...the long winter awaits, but I'm not ready to pack it in for the duration, not yet anyway.
The Plans for the month____
First off, football will be the focus of the entire month...doing an 8th grade contest at Celina tonight, then for Varsity Friday, I've been picked up by another "Crew" to fill in at Delphos Jefferson vs Crestview...Jefferson is undefeated at 5-0 while I believe the Knights come into the Northwest Conference game at 1 up and 4 down...on paper it looks like a mismatch, but being a rival and league contest, you can bet it will be a competitive game...I'll fill in at line judge on the Delphos side of the field....Saturday morning I return to these 2 team's JV game, this will be played at Convoy, where Crestview calls home at 10AM....quick turnaround. I'll finish out the weekend by doing some early girls basketball at Celina Middle School on Sunday afternoon. The Rec Football League has the weekend off. The remainder of October will see an additional 2 dozen or so games, before I shut it down for upcoming basketball Season.

The OHSAA has cancelled the State Basketball Meetings for this season, seems there are only 2 rules changes and feel time and money will best be saved by forgoing the state meetings....the local rules meetings begin in late October, and scrimmages will begin about the 10th of November.

Once football is done, Nick and I will head for Michigan, for some serious, or not-so-serious Salmon Fishing about October 29th. We were pretty successful last year, the weather, while cool, was good for fishing. This year we may add the area near Traverse City on the Lake Michigan coast to our agenda, but we plan on starting out at Tawas City like last year, with Cigars and Beer in hand. Hopefully the mostly dry weather we have had{although the drought has eased somewhat in the past week} will continue through the Salmon Catch.

I also plan on a trip to the Houseworth Family's old haunts for some genealogy research....Waldo and Millwood, Ohio, do the great baloney sandwiches at G & R Tavern in Waldo....I can taste them now.....

Yep, October is one of my favorite months...the heat and humidity of summer is gone, and the brutal Ohio winter is a weeks away...I'm looking forward to it!

Photos-From the 2008 Version of the "Great Salmon Catch" in the "thumb/Au Sable River" area of Northern lower Michigan.

Thanks to my readers/visitors for another record month in September...over 2200 hits and just under 4000 pages were tagged for the month...beating out August the previous high water mark.

back later>>>>


The Lonely Conservative said...

Sheesh, it already feels like winter is here in Central NY. Highs in the 40's and 50's the past few days. This weekend will be a treat when we inch back up to the 60's. Perfect for my son's fall baseball playoffs!

But I'm with you, I still love the fall. (Except when it snows.)

GeronL said...

Nice pics.

I'll be at my brothers tomorrow night, I think. He is going to take my nephew as his family goes to the Glen Rose TX Dinosaur Valley State Park.

The one with the footprints in the rocks under the stream.

PRH said...

I spent to "lovely" winters in Rome, NY, right after my return from Vietnam at Griffiss Air Force Base TLC...I think we had a record 315 inches of snow on the base in the winter of 70-71...melted about July 4th... :(

UCC...I've seen photos of the place and prints of course...maybe next year at my Vietnam Reunion{San Antonio October 2010} I'll plan a side trip to that park....

PRH said...

to? It's early...that should of course be "2" geeze!

Shrinky said...

Good luck with the fishing, hope the weather holds for you. Yup, there is def a sniff of Winter round the corner, time to soon be battening down the hatches and holing up around a lit fire again, eh? I kind of like the changing seasons, each one brings something uniquely special with it.

PRH said...

Love Fall Shrinky...but Winter, in the mid west? Not So Much!! :)

Munch said...

Oh man - G&R Tavern in Waldo. Never been there but it's been on my list for years. I just never have a good reason to go that way. Once I start my "Food Roadtrip", this is one fo the first on the list. Enjoy! Can you eat one for me or does the diet prohibit that?

PRH said...

Wing: You can check out G&R and Waldo on my other blog, the Houseworth Genealogy thing over at

You can find a link on My Favorites on the right border.

I usually buy 2 or one there with a Miller Lite and put a couple in the cooler for bringing home....

Only time I like Sweet Pickel is on a G&R creation....with mustard. Damn, getting hungry thinking about them!

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