Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joe Biden America's F**king VP

Has there ever been a bigger fool in office....?

Has there ever been a dumber son of a bitch....? But of course, being a Democrat and a Liberal he will get a pass....not that I don't drop the F-Bomb myself, but then again, I worked in Broadcasting for many years, and said my share of gaffs...but say "F**king" into an open mic? I don't think so.

Of course the bloated mouthpiece of this sorry excuse for an administration, Robert Gibbs, makes a joke out of our joke of a Vice President....This whole Obama Administration is a joke, and the joke is on you simple minded fools that voted them in.
back later today>>>>


Anonymous said...

Great blog! I'm from Celina too, but am not currently living in Ohio.
I have a blog you may like.

PRH said...

Good blog back at you...from one Celinan to another...

Donald Borsch Jr. said...

Wouldn't that really be:

"Joe Biden, VP, is f**king America"


PRH said...

No doubt Dennis Miller said tonight.."I don't have a problem with Biden saying F**king, I got a problem with him F**king America"

The Lonely Conservative said...

I call him the Village Idiot for a reason!

The Lonely Conservative said...

Maybe I should call him the Village F*&%ing Idiot.

PRH said...

Ashamed to say LC, he's from my mom's home state....but the good folks in Delaware don't even claim this fool.

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