Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday Has Arrived!

I sit here this morning, basically, a full day for me ahead...those have been rare of late, and frankly I am sick and tired of waiting around for appointments and doctor's visits, that a week ago would have seemed far fetched.  I've given the birds and back yard Squirrels their daily ration of feed, seed, and corn...took the first rounds of meds{that I spread out over a 12 hour period}...checked the blood pressure, which this morning is a ridiculous{for me) low of  105/60 with a pulse of 52 beats per minute...thinking to myself, "How low is too low"?  For somebody with hypertension, so they say....I am not a happy camper.  A month ago, I went back to get my low dose blood pressure medicine prescription filled....and now this is where I stand.

Double dose of BP Meds, and extra BP pill, back to Zocor, and add a large dose of the cholesterol and blood thinning Plavix...I have not worked out in a week, and quite frankly half the time I feel in a fog...a month ago, even 10 days ago, I was the healthiest feeling soon-to-be 63 year old you are going to find....and now this is where I stand.  Well Thursday I should have some answers, and most likely an appointment for surgery on those neck arteries than seem problematical.  Meanwhile I am not weight lifting, not tread milling, and it's been 10 days since I ran up and down the basketball court.  So after a fall of football and a winter of basketball officiating...and now, not knowing if I will have to push back my baseball umpire schedule,  this is where I stand?  Needless to say, I am not a happy camper.  This sedentary lifestyle is not me.

For now I will abide by the requests....Hell with taking meds, I'm hardly touching a beer....so you know, I am not enjoying this at all....

It all reminds me of my bartending days, back in my 20s.....older customers{my age now}, would come in and bitch about the things doctors had told them they couldn't or shouldn't do....I would look at them and think..."What the Hell man, you are 60 something, why would you give a shit, and listen to what they say?, live your life, you only go around once...go out doing what you enjoy"...That's what I said then....it's what I think now...but somehow, for some reason, I am not following my own belief system....It's called reality, I guess....maybe after Thursday and the next round of appointments, I will grow my set back....and live my belief system....meanwhile this is what I have on my plate.

Super Tuesday.....Ohio is the "Heart of it All"

For 40 years or so, The Buckeye State, has had this hokey motto.."Ohio, The Heart of It All".   The reason is simple, Ohio is in the "heartland" and basically shaped like a Heart.  Today, it appears we are the "Heart of it All", politically speaking.  Super Tuesday is here, and despite Georgia having more Republican delegates{even though Ohio has a larger population}, Ohio is the crown jewel...basically because without Ohio, the Republicans don't win the White House...they never have, and probably will not this year.  That doesn't mean with Ohio, the GOP will necessarily win the Presidency over the Kenyan Assclown, but without The Buckeye State they will surely lose.


So this morning, Patricia has already voted, before heading to work, I will head to the polling place, and cast my votes...Rick Santorum for President, however it appears that Mitt Romney may close out a robo phone bank fuled win here, but it will be close.  Regardless, the primary season will continue, and Obama will continue to destroy the nation and Republic until he is stopped...and frankly it make take more than this election to stop a foreign born, interloping Marxist, who has the power of jack boots and the lap dog press at his back.

So, here in the Conservative heartland of northwest Ohio, with Boehner and Latta as our Congressman, I suspect Santorum will win easily,  however, in the bergs of the larger cities, such as Cleveland and Columbus,were chickshit liberals and moderates, who call themselves Republicans {see RINOs}  live...Romney may have enough votes to swing Ohio his way

The game will continue to be played out after this "Super Tuesday", and while Conservatives and Republicans, battle to see who will become Obama's sacrifice come November, the self  and media appointed King of America, who in reality, is nothing more than a a half breed, half ass, half witted, son of a Kansas whore and a African Muslim, will continue to secure cash and power, in his attempt to overthrow the once great nation.  Our founding fathers are surely spinning in their collective graves, or trying to dig themselves out, no doubt disgusted with what has happened to the country they founded, so many years ago.

So for me today, it's vote, then off to the Hospital and Doc office to pick up CDs of my tests from last week...then perhaps to the license bureau, to renew my driver's license, which expire on next week's birthday.  Make an appointment for the aging Airedale, Reagan, to be kenneled for the weekend, in hopes that I will be ready to attend the Vietnam mini reunion for Air Force Sky Cops that I am coordinating at The Air Force Museum in Dayton, come Friday.....stay tuned.

back with more later>>>>>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vегy eneгgetіс blоg, I loѵeԁ thаt bit.
Will there be a part 2?

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Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...