I see the forecasters have put a few "rain dates" in the previous sunny 10 day extended outlook. No surprise there, what with millions of dollars invested in equipment, why should we expect the Weather Channel gerbils and babes to get things right? Right???
It still looks pretty good for getting the games in, including the district at Elida on Thursday and Saturday...tonight Sam and I head south for a rare game in Shelby County, the wife's old school, Fort Loramie against home standing Houston. Last night our GMC Match up at Hicksville went smoothly and the front running Fariview team out of Sherwood won 5-2 to remain undefeated in league play, bringing up a showdown with also undefeated in league Tinora next week. Both of those teams remain in District play at this point as well.
Looking around the back yard_____
Now I have a cat and she is strictly indoors, my alley neighbor has a cat and that old guy is 16 or so, and pretty harmless...so he gets a pass. However, over the past year or so a half dozen or so feline types have moved into the area, including one under my porch it seems. Stray cats marking their territory doesn't make it...killing off my wildlife doesn't make it either. So I've got the pellet gun at ready, and the cats will be dodging pellets in the ass as I see them...no more Mister Niceguy. I don't mind cats, but when folks don't take care of them and they invade my yard and garage(I have seen them coming out of that as well)...their butts are mine. Cats Beware, I'm Coming After You...the pellet gun might not kill you, but then again....
More lawn to mow____
Got some of mine done yesterday before heading north...today I will finish off the homestead, then head over to Cherry Street and take care of mom's. Tomorrow I will begin packing for the Mesick Trip and then head to Elida to do the District Double Header beginning at Noon....Friday finish packing the gear, baseball and Saturday the finals and we head north to Mesick, in hopes of good weather and good mushroom hunting.
back later>>>>
Yea, cats are BAD about that. Mine are killers! I came home a while ago to find Denise sitting in a chair with a broom, standing guard over a bird that had been brought in by one of the cats and flitted off. It was in some boxes under my desk. i had to pick up some of the boxes and catch it before the cats got past Denise and zeroed in. It flew out when i opened the front door and then landed on the sidewalk in front of the door. I was like, "Get the hell up and fly or you're toast." No tellin' how long it'll live with no sense like that.
Mom's Tom Cat the late great "Attilla" used to desposite squirrels and bunnies by the handfuls on her porch, used to drive her nuts, since the cat was a hog on cat food dinners...told her he was just showing his appreciation for all she did for him.
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