Monday, October 8, 2012

"Foot"ball Follies...

Heavy frost on the roof and grounds this morning, The Weather Channel suggested that the temperature dropped down to 32 this early today, and with the clear skies, the frost came.  This early October certanily has been far different that last year, when the sunny skies and Indian Summer like conditions drove the daytime temperatures into the lower 80s for much of the month.  The first week of this October has been cool and at times wet, Friday Night it was very cool and very wet, the two would have me facing another "mini crisis".

Friday Football.....

The rain started early and continued for most of the day on Friday...a cold nasty early fall rain, making the conditions feel much like November, rather than the first week of October.  I left for Paulding about 4:20pm for the 7:30 start....knowing it was going to be one miserable game, at least weather wise....that would end up being an understatment, to say the least.

The temperatures hovered in the upper 40s as our 5-man officiating crew conferred with the coaches of both Paudling and visiting Allen East, the rain continued, sometimes light, sometimes more moderate, but always raining.  The wind shifted from the west to swirling, then at times the flags on the endzone pole didn't move at all, hanging limp, with no wind at all.

The field was in good condition, but wet, and you knew once the game began, the conditions on the lush grass would deterioate quickly....we warned each other to watch our steps...two mintues into the game, I would wish I had done a better job of that.

I have been describing my problems with Plantar Fasciitis on my left foot and heel:

I dufully had put my KT tape on my foot to protect the hell a few hours before the game....what happened early in the game, the KT was on the wrong part of my foot, and would do no good. 

A couple of minutes in, I made a turn, my left foot slipped out from under me on the wet surface and mud....I heard a loud "pop" and fell face first into the mud and grass....

The young trainer on the Paulding was at my side within seconds, telling me "I could hear that pop all the way over on the bench"..."Yep", I replied..."So could I"....he helped me over to the Pauling bench, he thought it was my knee....I assured him it was my foot and ankle, on the left of course, the problems and the pain area for the past few weeks.

Frankly I thought when it first happened I had done something major...I had it appears, but not something that would put me in a cast or crutches.  The damnage was to the front part of the foot, streached ligiments it appears....I finished the first half, the trainer came in and taped me up at halftime, and I hobbled through the remainder of the game....just hoping to get through it without further damnage, or freezing my ass off...I'm not sure if I did either with success.

I spent the rest of the weekend resting as much as possible, but did go to Centerville, on Saturday, where we went with Hal, Lisa, and Grandson Kasyn, along with Lisa's mom, to the local indoor museum designed much for kids, I borrowed a wheel chair, and spent most of the tour sitting, or walking behind the chair.

Saturday Night and Sunday I sat around and watched football and baseball, resting and icing my foot, drinking Miller Lite, watching the Reds win the first two playoff games over the Giants, The Buckeyes stomping Nebraska, and the Bengals unexplcitiy losing to a bad Miami team.

The Week Ahead.....

With only one game scheduled between now and Friday, I have Sam to replace me tomorrow at Wayne Trace....The Friday Night game at Wayne Trace, is a big one, the host Raiders taking on Tinora for what will likely be the Green Meadows championship, yesterday I thought I had zero percent chance of working maybe that's up to 10%, but I'm not really confident.  The swelling is down somewhat, but there is no doubt, I need some time off to rest the foot and ankle...and the end of my season may be at hand.  I will make a decision the middle of this week.  Leaving enough time to find replacements...Sam, busy at Ohio State and with his own football crew, can only take so many of my games.....

back later>>>>

Photos-The feet as they looked yesterday, today, has not seen much improvment, some, but only when rested...the football season may be over with.  Saturday, we went with Grandson Kasyn to one of the local the first photo Kasyn checking me out as I stood in the Hurricane Machine getting blown around, and then checking out some climbing blocks...K-Man has been batteling his own ear infections and fever the past week, but seemed better by the end of the weekend.


Olivia Michelle 2011 said...

can you say medical treatment???

PRH said...

Not sure there is much they can do...however, I will need a check up if I am to collect my game fees for games cancelled. :{

FHB said...

Ouch! That looks painful. You need to see someone.

PRH said...

Heading to the doc at 2:45 today...the Football season has been "shut down", to see exactly what the damnage is, and how long the recupe process is....might be a long lazy winter.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...