Thursday, September 20, 2007

144 Years ago today

Nope, I wasn't around, but some times I feel like it.

144 years ago this weekend, the Union Army suffered one of it's few major defeats at the Battle of Chickamagua in the Lookout Mountains of northern Georgia. One of the Union Army regiments was the 26th Ohio Volunteer Army, Company C.

2 of my Great-Great Uncles fought in that was wounded, the other killed.

In all I had at least 16 direct ancestors fighting for the Union...and an unknown number fighting on the Confederate side...those boys were from Georgia, and many spelled their name Housworth, rather than the Yankee version of Houseworth[my GGGG-Grandfather arrived from Germany in 1751 with the Euro name Jacob Hauswirth].

Gilman Houseworth was wounded on the weekend of September 19-20, 1863, his younger brother Henry was killed in that same battle.

For more on my ancestors in the Civil War go to my other blog:

for more on this famous battle, read the excellent book by Peter Cozzens, "This Terrible Sound". The Battle of Chickamauga.

I'm a Civil War buff, and with many relatives that fought in the is a fascinating story.
God rest Gilman Houseworth 1843-1915 and Henry Houseworth 1845-1863.
Civil War Songs? Here is the Live 1976 version of "The Night they Drove Ol' Dixie Down"

[ cover "This Terrible Sound" I took one rainy February, at the Viniard Field, near Chickamauga...this southwest corner of the battle site is where the men of the OVI 26th Company C fought and died September 19 and 20, 1863]

2 comments: said...

Yep, I've been to's hard to comprehend.

FHB said...

Very cool post man. Love reading about this stuff, as you might imagine. I think I have folks on both sides of that war too, and a few who came to Texas later to start again. Been to Viksburg and Shiloh so far. Would love to see more, but I'm always jetting by them on the highway and can't stop.

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