Thursday, September 6, 2007


12 Noon

Working the Thursday/Friday thing at Greenville, rather than the usual Monday/Tuesday....have a Jr High football game out of town this afternoon...not much else going on, will mow the back yard, check on Jack the Airedale...he's hanging in there, but the outlook is grim for the old guy, still wags, but eating less and less, but will wait a day or two to see if any improvement is forthcoming.

September is always one of those love-hate wise September and October are always my favorite times, but with the knowledge that winter(which I hate more and more each year, as I grow older) is just around the corner....HOORAY FOR GLOBAL WARMING......working in Environmental Health for 20 years, I can tell you that so-called Global Warming is a the earth getting warmer? Who knows? But it's being used as a political tool by the media and the nut job lefty loons.....Ok enough blatant POLITICAL COMMENT....time enough for that in the coming segment.

Loop Road and the coming Environmental Disaster

Just a joke, after working in Environmental Health(Government Bureau-rat) for 20 years, I can tell you without thinking twice, environmental scare tactics are just that...should we be cleaning up the environment, reducing toxins, YES! Should we be yelling out like Chicken Little? Hell NO!

Loop Road is a perfect example of how far off the radical scare em' the sky is falling crowd is. Loop Road is located in the Florida Everglades and "loops" off the Tamiami Trail(US 41), south of Naples and west of Miami...if you visit Loop Road, take along bug spray, preferably use a 4 wheel drive vehicle, and carry your camera.
The "endangered" Alligator is a prime example of how many hardy beasts can out do man when it comes to survival....the White Tailed Deer is last trip to Loop Road(easy to find on a map) the Gators were out in force...the largest one(pictured) was in a pond area, not 50 feet off US guess he was at least 14 feet....large by any standards.

No, the Alligator is no longer endangered... thousands of other species in south Florida are....OVER DEVELOPMENT is the cause, not global warming. Growing up in south Florida back in the 50s, when it was wild and undeveloped(for the most part)....I could not foresee what it would become today. I almost considered moving back a few years ago, had a Environmental Health offer in Punta Gorda, but turned it down, later I thought about moving back in the winter months...but the traffic and crowds are no longer for me. So I am content to visit the family members who reside there when I deliver RVs down that way(5 or 6 times per year).

The "Old" Florida is gone forever, the Gator is alive and well...reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated.
[photos...the biggest gator I have seen in my life, and I had them as "pets" in the 1950s..and the famous Loop Road, just off Highway 41]


2 comments: said...

That looks like a sizable fellow, and I'd sure hate to meet up with him at any time of the day.

I think I'd rather meet a shark in the water as an alligator. Something about that rolling and drowning thing that scares the hell out of me!

GUYK said...

Yeah, it ain't what it used to be here in the land of the sunnybeaches and some pretty nice sandy beaches also.

We bought a place in the woods east of Homosassa four years it is damn near a little city..if I wasn't so damn old I would sell out and move someplace in SW Oklahoma where I have to drive 30 miles to the grocery is better and I don't get run off the road by a yankee with a NY tag nor crowded off the sidewalk by two old women running side beside on their electric scoots..

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...