Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Glenn Beck-Foot Soldier Against the Obamanation

As someone, a limp wristed lefty no doubt, once reminded me, 'It's abomination'...."no, this guy is an Obamanation" I say...."not that there is much difference". Glenn Beck is now the unquestioned leader in the fight against "The Obamanation"...more on that in a bit.
The Weather is Looking UP______

A couple of cool but sunny days have been followed by frosty nights....it appears that we will now have a spell of warmer and thank gawd, dryer weather for awhile(but I still don't trust those extended forecasts). Sunny and 75 for today, followed by lower 80s for Wednesday and Thursday, and then 70s and only one day of a 40% chance of rain after than until May 28th. Things are looking better for finishing up the regular high school baseball season, and getting the District Tournament in without delays....not to mention, the Mesick, Michigan, mushroom weather doesn't look all that bad either for the upcoming Memorial Weekend.

Tonight Sam and I head towards Hicksville for a GMC showdown with rival Sherwood Fairview. Hicksville with 1 league loss, while Fairview and Tinora remain undefeated in Green Meadows play....last time me and the oldest son did Fairview there were some fireworks...I will try to avoid that tonight, but, in this intense rival and situation, anything can happen. It's my job to see that is stays within the rules of Ohio High School Sports....and I will do my best. Given the fact that Fairview and Tinora are still in the tournament and face the possibility of playing each other twice(league and tournament) next week, really gives Hicksville a shot at this one...they have nothing to lose, and a possible league title share to gain. Should be fun.....

Glenn Beck, the Foot Soldier in the War on Stupidity_____

I started to listen to Beck about 8 years ago, just about the time of 9/11. Beck was on a few dozen radio stations, including WOWO out of Fort Wayne...he was based out of Tampa and I listened to him while getting my morning paper work completed at the Health Department, before heading out on my daily inspections.

He was a typical right leaning talker back then, but has evolved into the Radio and Fox News voice of the anti Washington DC crowd...his 3 hour radio show from 9 to 12 Eastern Time is rated #3, behind only Limbaugh and Hannity...his 5PM Eastern Fox News TV show is setting cable records in that time zone...you gotta believe he is headed for a prime time slot, whenever Fox figures it out...hopefully he will take the 7PM slot(still to early for me to catch him on umpiring and officiating nights) from Shepard Smith...Smith has turned into a girly man in that time slot and his the lone babbling lefty with his own show. "Shep" would be a great fix for MSNBC or CNN.....just get his ass off Fox, he's a tune out.

Back to Beck____

Glenn Beck has been in the forefront in predicting the disaster that looms in the new Obama Economic Mess. He has also led the fight against government regulation and spending with his 912 project...9/12 as in the day after 9/11 when we were together as one nation:

He was also instrumental in leading the April 15th Tea Party bash across the country.

Beck is a born again Mormon...a recovering alcoholic and former drug abuser. The guy is loud, funny, and spot on in most of his rants......he calls himself a Libertarian, but with a few distinct differences with the Libertarian Party....you have got to know Beck is on every Liberal(see Keith Oldblowaman, Rachel Madcow, and MSNBC) and left leaning political site(The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, Obama's Lemmings) Hit List.

If you are known by the enemies you make, Glenn Beck has passed Rush Limbaugh in the quality(or lack of) of those that hate him....Good Work Glenn, you are the man! Keep it up!!!
Some lawn mowing to do.....gotta get out in the sunshine.
back later>>>>


GUYK said...

One of the mistakes a lot of people make is confusing libertarian with 'modern day' liberalism. Libertarians are believers in the constitution and freedom

Grandpa-Old Soldier said...

I have been a fan of his for a long time. My oldest son got to meet him when he was in Houston a few years back and even got an autographed book.

Trish said...

Glenn Beck is great! I listen to him in the day, and watch him or dvr him at night. I couldn't live without him for a week. And, I have a supply of duct tape to keep my head from exploding, in his honor!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...