Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Year In Review/October through December/Happy New Year!

As 2009 slipped into 2010 last night, I slipped into bed....12:03 the upstairs bedroom clock read...I had made the New Year, and I was hitting the sack...Patricia had cashed in the evening around 10, and Anissa, home for the rest of the weekend, had went up even earlier than that....what excitement?I had spent most of the day sipping on a Guinness or 2, and eating Salsa and Tostito chips...watching football bowl games, the Twilight Zone Marathon on SyFy, and flipping it over to the Hitchcock Marathon on Turner Classics...probably more TV than I have watched in a month. Rick called and we agreed to call off our annual New Years Bowl Marathon at his place in Indiana. Rick and wife, Toni, have mowed into an apartment for the rest of the winter...waiting on their new home to be built outside of Auburn on 17 acres. Moving, especially after 26 years with kids at the same location is never an easy task...the kids are moved, or in college, but their "stuff" we decided to cancel the bowl events, and meet up at the Gun Show in Fort Wayne on Sunday morning. Speaking of Gun addition to Fort Wayne, Lima has one this weekend as well...and I plan on heading on over to that one as well....just to see how the ammo supply is doing post Obama election. Marxist Bastard!
Rose Bowl this evening...will Ohio State break their 3 year BCS Slump, by defeating Oregon? Staff tuned....I don't know if they will win, but the Defense should keep it close....upsets have been the rule of the season thus far...and it's been to my advantage...I'm sitting in the top 3 percent of all players on the ESPN Fantasy board....
2009...the final months___
October began cool and dry{global warming?}...and pretty much stayed below normal, temperature wise, for the officiating season wound to a halt for me...although the High School Playoff season extended into December....for the first time I got in a handful of Varsity contests, as close as Minster, and as far away as was a fun experience, and a eye opener for someone who is used to doing under varsity games. Big difference in my experience from that sport I do almost all Varsity and higher levels, in football, and basketball, I'm all over the place, from low levels to highest, and it is a different view.

My Sunflowers came to harvest, and I came up with some large, productive ones. The squirrels and birds seem to be enjoying the fruits of my labor....I will plant more of them next season, which in my mind, can't come soon enough.
Nick and I planned our annual northeast Michigan fishing and beer drinking trip to the Au Sable/Lake Huron area....we left at the end of October. Unlike last year, this season we didn't hit the spot on the fishing, while fun, was not productive. We did however find a new place to stay, right on the Lake, and just a stone's throw from Oscoda and the Au Sable River....plenty of good food, good cigars, Drambuie, and Beer were the fare of the 4 days....


When we came back it was November...a good month for Conservatives, as the Kenyan King, Barack Obama's poll numbers continued to fall, and many Americans realized he was nothing more than a Used Car Salesman with a cool a President, this guy is a major disaster for the Republic...throw in his Cabinet, Congress, and Harry Reid, you have a major Cluster Fox Trot ruining the country. The GOP made some inroads...but the fat lady hasn't sung just yet...more to come next November.

Patricia, Anissa, and I headed to Wisconsin mid month for our annual pre-Thanksgiving weight loss continued, and Blood Pressure numbers continued to fall. I was down to 190 by months end.
I headed to the Houseworth Family's old stomping grounds at Waldo, Ohio, on 2 occasions....once to meet up with an old friend who I had not seen in a decade...Bill Clem. We hooked up at the famous G&R Tavern, and down some beers, bs, and baloney sandwiches....good fare, and unlike your normal deli bologna. Later in the month, after oldest son Sam had totaled his car...Nick and I headed to Columbus, and made a stop in Waldo, so I could treat him to some of the G&R goodies....Sam survived his car crash...I'm sure when the insurance bill comes due, his wallet may not.

Ohio State defeated Michigan again...7 times in 8 years under Jim Tressel...and clinched the Big Ten Championship with a win over Iowa...the Rose Bowl is the reward, and that takes place this afternoon against Oregon.


December saw the holidays approach...Hal and Sam both made appearances home, Hal for a couple of short stays, Sam for the Fall/Winter break from Ohio State....Anissa had moved into a house of her own, with roommate, and 24/7 supervision in November, and now was spending only a night or 2 at home with us....after this weekend, the real empty nest will set in. Sam back at Columbus, Hal in the Dayton area, and Anissa home only 1 night or so a will be different.
On the national scene...Islamic trash continued their assault on the American Republic, while Barry Barack Obama continued to insist that Islamics were peaceful and our problems were all Bush's fault....almost 1 full year in office, and this son of a bitch still doesn't realize...he, and his liberal buds, are all of our problems. First the Fort Hood massacre, then some African Islamic of privilege, burns his balls off over Detroit as he was trying to set a planeload of passengers on fire. Meanwhile, The Obummer, and Queen Michelle Antoinette, play in Hawaii on the Tax Payers dime.

Dartball, which started in November, finished up the first half of the season...St Johns did not have a good half, the older players were not hitting to par, and the younger kids, are, well, still kids....I did alright, hitting .427 for the first half, and sitting in 3rd in batting average at the end of the first half.


Who knows what might lay ahead for the coming thing for sure is, Obama and Company will continue their assualts on the American people and our rights, under both the 1st and 2nd Amendments. They will also continue, along with Pelosi and Reid, to make inroads into our care, and cap and trade, are coming at the American people like a freight prepared.
Personally, I make no predictions or resolutions....however, I will continue to be trying to control the weight(down 20 pounds so far) and Blood Pressure(down from 150/80 to 125/75) the battle to stave off Diabetes 2.

My best to all(except Liberal politicians and burea-rats who can roast in Hell for all I care)...who may stop by these pages...

back later>>>>
Photos-I managed to shed 20 pounds(10 more to go) and my facial hair(for only the 3rd time in 40 years) as fall turned to winter...I've since decided to grow the mustache back...for now. The largest of my 30+ Giant Sunflowers I grew in the back yard and kennel area....Sunrise on Lake Huron and a early November morning on the Au Sable River...Nick and me enjoying a Drambuie and Cigars on our Michigan Fishing Trip. And the Famous G&R Tavern and some of the fare on one of my 2 visits to the old family town of Waldo, Ohio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


fwxc y ! ze 62

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...