Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti-And the Beat Goes On

Looks like Haiti will continue to be Haiti, despite the massive giving of aid by those afflicted with some sort of perverse 'White Guilt" complex:

Throwing money at a unsolvable problem seldom works....I am afraid that this will become another Solomia or worse....

Hey Barry! Here's a shout out for you, Asshole..."Give the Marines the weapons they need to protect themselves and the innocent from the Marxist roving gangs". I Wonder if they are taking odds in Vegas on how long before the first American Soldier is murdered, because they didn't have the weapons to protect themselves?

Meanwhile the always brave and heroic "Fwench" accuse the US of occupying Haiti:

Who is tougher...a New York Kindergartner or a French Sailor? My money is on the Kid from the Bronx.

The Fog Rolls On____

After basketball down at Russia(Rue-She') last night, I headed through the drizzle and fog, 45 miles to the Mount Carmel Church... Dartball was on the agenda, the battle for the south was on, and even though I made it for the start of the 2nd of 3 games...I might as well stayed on course to Celina. We got stomped 3 games to none, and only scored 5 runs in the process, to fall to 4 and 5 on the second half of the season. I did scratch out 3 hits in 6 at bats to move to .433 on the year, probably still in 2nd in the league Batting Average race. I was well behind the guy leading, and well in front of the 3rd place guy. Sam managed to get his at bats in to make him eligible for the post season tournament, then after the games he headed directly to Columbus, arriving around 11:30 last night.

The beat down we took in dartball was about the same as the visitors took in the boys Junior High at Russia last night...both the 7th and 8th games were blow out wins for the home standing Raiders. Tonight I have another JH game, this time a girls double header at Lincolnview.

Meanwhile the miserable 30 something temperatures with high levels of humidity and fog continued this morning....the talking overpaid heads at the Weather Channel and elsewhere continue to miss the boat on their predictions.....so slow and steady it moves towards Spring, still some 2 months away on the calender.

back later>>>>
Photos-Are the Gangs or Marines in control in Haiti? You can bet the blue helmeted limp wrists from the UN aren't. Dartball last night...a bummer for the good guys, outscored by a 24-5 count in 3 games.


Larry said...

Hey, Pat, there's an interesting and perhaps accurate "take" on Haiti by Bret Stephens in today's WSJ called "To Help Haiti, End Foreign Aid --
About every conceivable aid scheme beyond immediate humanitarian relief will lead to more poverty, more corruption and less institutional capacity." -- HERE

PRH said...

Good Stuff Larry, and of course he is spot on...but those afflicted with White Guilt we keep on throwing money at the problem and the poor souls in Haiti and elsewhere will continue to live in their own version of Hell.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...