Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thoughts from the past 40 years....

On average today, January 21st, is the end of the first month of winter, and the coldest day on average in these not-so United States. You can usually begin to see some kind of turn around after today. The sun{if it ever shines again in Western Ohio} begins to give off a little more warmth, and by February, once in awhile you get a warm spell. Make no mistake, Winter has a long way to go, and I'm sure a few below zero and snow filled days are ahead of us, even in this time of the fake science promoted by a failed Divinity Student{Al Gore} and a fake President{Barack Obama}, of Global Warming. But today is a day each winter that I point to as the turn around day...and I start thinking about Spring and the coming baseball season.

40 years passing in a flash____

Sitting here trying to figure out what to type this morning, listening to XM Radio Channel from the 60's. The Sixties? Over 40 years ago since the turbulent age of the Vietnam War{my war} and the protests, hippies, sex, drugs, and the Beatles breaking up...don't let anybody tell you that time doesn't fly past you like a supersonic jet, once you hit does and it has.

When the 60s turned into the 70s, I had just been shipped from Nha Trang Air Base south to Tan Son Nhut AB at the Saigon Airport. Memories come flooding through as Mama Cass sings on the Satelite Radio feed in the back ground: "You've Gotta Make Your Own Kind of Music"
Here she is singing that song in 1969 on a You Tube Video.....

Seen there with Sammy Davis Jr, both long since gone....but the music remains.

I've always tried to live by that creed..."Live your life the way you feel you should..sure you are gonna piss off more than your share, make some enemies, step on some toes, but you know what? Screw em' if they can't handle it" I turn 61 in less than 2 months, if God is willing to put up without me for that long, and I'm not about to change now.

Despite all the trials, some successes, and similar failures, time just keeps rolling along for all of us, until it ends that is.

So from Tan Son Nhut 40 years ago, I finished up the Air Force in 72, the same year dad died..then came back to Celina, off to Wausau, Wisconsin, Kokomo, Indiana, Dodge City, Kansas, and finally back to thing has been constant, time marches on: Tracy Lawrence sings:

The past 40 years have seen Men on the Moon(1969), Wars ending, new wars beginning, one of the greatest Presidents of all(Reagan) and the worst(Carter). The computer/Internet era, the rampant rage of Political Correctness, and Radical Islam.

What will the next 40 years bring? I don't know, but I plan on checking out before that book is complete....not sure I want to be around at 100...unless I could have my health and what's left of my mind.

Basketball tonight at Lima Perry, a rare Friday off tomorrow....

Back Later>>>>
Photos-@ Tan Son Nhut January 1970/20 years ago, 1990 at Ormond Beach, Florida...the Pier is long gone, but I'm still kicking/35 years ago, me and our first Airedale, Rags at Higgins Lake, Michigan, and finally me, just a quick 10 years ago at the beginning of the new century the Summer of 2000.


Harry J said...

Pat seeing how we shared an ever so brief moment in this short life I must agree with you, only I'd say from the day I took the oath to defend my country at age 19 is when time took off.....

FHB said...

Man, don't you miss the Cold War? Everything was so much easier to deal with back then.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...