Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Returns/A Politician Speaks the Truth

Driving back from the Freshman game at Antwerp last night, the snow was blowing across the various highways en route, and made the travel hazardous in spots...real winter, in place of the almost 2 weeks of fog and rain had returned. I made my way to the Dartball match at St. Johns without fanfare however, in time to get swept by Mendon. I hit my first 4 times up, but the rest of the team struggled, and we went down to the team, that used to be our "whipping boys" for the 6th straight time this season.

Back in the mid 90s through early part of this decade, we had defeated Mendon 38 straight games by my Sam's count...in short we "owned them". A few years back they finally ended that string, and knocked us out of the post season tournament...this season our team is so down that even though they have not improved that much, they still have the firepower to kick us 6 games in a row, although most have been 1 or 2 run games. Last night's scores were 5-0, 2-1, and 4-3...on a bright note, I went 5 for 9 with a RBI to move my Batting Average to .443 on the season, probably still in 2nd place in the league overall...I'll know more when I get all the stats in from the rest of the league this week.

It's been a long season, 3 more weeks to go, then the playoffs, and tournament and banquet to finish off the season before Spring.

Breaking News! An Honest Politician____It is rare indeed that any political figure ever speaks the truth, look no further than the Jackass that is slated to give the State of the Union{It sucks Barry} to the nation of lemmings tomorrow. Will you be watching King Barry? I won't...I know that son of a bitch is lying, each and every time he opens his pie hole.

It does seem however that South Carolina has an honest politician in their Republican Lt. Governor, one Andre Bauer. Of course if you happen to be a Conservative and especially a Conservative Christian, you are gonna get slammed if you dare "call them like you see them":

Like it or not, Andre Bauer hits the nail on the head. Who is breeding in large numbers these days? It sure the Hell isn't the productive working folks...they can't afford the cost. So hat's off to Bauer, an honest politician, who will without a doubt, pay the price in the media and the Politically Correct World for that honesty.

The rest of the week remains busy....if I manage to not come down with the Flu Bug that Patricia is battling, she took off early yesterday, and is home today. A Freshman game at Russia(Rue'-She) tonight, and games the rest of the week, no days off until Sunday.

back later>>>>
Photos-After 2 weeks of rain, fog, and temps in the 40s, things have returned to more "normal" January conditions....as the roving band of Sparrows in the back yard battle the Squirrels and avoid the Marsh Hawk to get to the feeders. Another bad night for the Dartball team as we drop to 4 wins and 8 loses, with 6 straight defeats in the season's second half. And truth speaking South Carolina Lt. Governor, Andre Bauer...speak the truth, and catch Hell from the Media and Politically Correct hacks.


GeronL said...

The politician told the truth and it could be the end of his career if the untruth media and leftists get their way.

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't catch the flu. Now would be a bad time to get it. Cold doesn't make it any easier to shake it off.

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
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JW Sr. said...

I was coming across the bay from Hon Tre Island on an LST. Army artillery stationed just out side the perimeter and we had sent two guns to the island for protection for Cam Rhan.
Remember seeing the plane flying in, could tell it was going to be bad.
Attached later history of Nha Trang air field.

Jim Whitehouse Sr.
A Battery 7/13th FA
RVN 11/68 - 1/70

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...